Pitch: Transmedia Travel Writing

For the transmedia package project, I hope to curate and develop my social media presence and personal brand surrounding my travel writing. I plan to take existing travel writing I have done (essays, poems, journal entries, etc) and revise and reformat them into blog posts that I’ll post on a blog I plan to create on a platform such as Blogspot or WordPress.

The blog posts will be linked to from an existing Instagram account. I originally created this account to post photos from when I was studying abroad in France so that people who followed my primary personal Instagram would have the option of also following my study-abroad account if they wanted, but if they didn’t, wouldn’t be bombarded with multiple posts per day about croissants. However, I’ve continued to use the account to post travel pictures, and have recently been thinking about how to expand and curate it into a travel-focused social media presence that would be independent from my primary Instagram account. For this project, I’ll make several modifications to the existing account, including editing the bio to include more information about myself as a writer and traveler, adding tags to photos that might make them more visible to members of the travel-Instagram community, and posting new photos or editing old photos with links to blog posts in the captions.

The third component of this would be to create playlists that would be publicly available on Spotify that would be related to specific places I mention in my blog or Instagram posts. These might be, for example, songs that are about a certain place–a playlist of songs that mention California, for example–or songs that I personally listened to while in a certain place. These would likely be linked to in the blog posts–I’m still ironing out how each component would lead into the next.