Tag: delivery

8: The Circulation, Delivery, and Spreadability of Video Games

  Since I’ve just hit level six hundred in the popular video “Overwatch” I’m highly inclined to discuss the topic of video games. “Overwatch” is a team based first person shooter game released by Blizzard Entertainment back in 2016 and has won a ton of awards and will be the main example in this article….

8: The Circulation, Delivery, and Spreadability of, you guessed it, beauty YouTube videos

Well, we’re here again. In their introduction titled Why Media Spreads, Henry Jenkins, Joshua Green, and Sam Ford describe a hybrid form of circulation, “…where a mix of top-down and bottom-up forces determine how material is shared across and among cultures in far more participatory (and messier) ways.” (1).  This mix of forces can be seen throughout…

8: The Circulation, Delivery, and Spreadability of Prose Poetry

I was initially drawn to prose poetry because of the way it intersects the power of language and the beauty of poetic techniques. As described by poets.org, “While it lacks the line breaks associated with poetry, the prose poem maintains a poetic quality, often utilizing techniques common to poetry, such as fragmentation, compression, repetition, and…

8: The Circulation, Delivery, and Spreadability of Journalism

Circulation, according to Henry Jenkins, Joshua Green, and Sam Ford in “Why Media Spreads,” refers to the idea that “top-down and bottom-up forces determine how material is shared across and among cultures in far more participatory (and messier) ways” (1). This concept is particularly important within the industry I want to work in someday—the newspaper…

8) Circulation, Delivery, and Spreadability of Nonfiction

I used to think of nonfiction as solely consisting of autobiographies and textbooks. (Ok, I knew of other examples in the genre, but these are the main examples that came to mind.) However, after taking Introduction to Nonfiction this year I realized that I really enjoy the other side of nonfiction, such as the Personal…