Tag: hypertext

Hypertext – Wikipedia and More

I first heard of hypertext in the context of Wikipedia as a hypertext—it took me a while to understand the web itself as hypertext, which is maybe where I remain most confused—not all pages are interconnected, but I suppose they don’t have to be). But it makes sense to me in the context of Wikipedia—I’ve…

12: Hypertext

I never used to think much about hypertext. But then I started to produce digital media, causing me to realize the importance of hypertext. Hypertext has the “ability to link seamlessly billions of pages as if they were a single entity, a constantly evolving book.” It changes the way someone reads, enhancing the whole experience….

12. Hypertext

The hypertext in itself has components to it that are very different from the traditional format we have with print publishing. As Jordyn talks about in her post, the hypertext causes us to have a nonlinear reading experience with the use of features such as hyperlinks that bring the reader to a different site. However,…

12: Hypertext

In the article Reading on Screen: The New Media Sphere, Christian Vandendorpe describes hypertext as “a way of linking any portion of a document to another one.” Hypertext changes a way a text is read because it allows more information to be allowed than what initially would be there without it. For example, with our…

12: Hypertext and things

Hypertext and hyperlinks have been a part of digital text and media for a while now. I can remember using the computers during elementary, middle, and high school and seeing certain words underlined and blue, but I don’t ever remember clicking on them. There were times where I accidentally clicked on them, but I usually…

12: The Importance of Hypertext

I believe that hypertext is important in our understanding and reading of different texts. Vicky stated in her post that, “while hypertext does not change the physical words on the page, it does impact the order in which they are read. This allows for an infinite number of reader interpretations….” I think this is very…

12) The Endless Stream

While hypertext does not change the physical words on the page, it does impact the order in which they are read. This allows for an infinite number of reader interpretations, since the proximity of any two text excerpts will create an automatic association. In an ideal model, hypertext will use trails to create natural links…

12: Hypertext

I was first introduced to hypertext when scrolling through countless Wikipedia sites (of course), one after another until giving up because the topic was no longer interesting. However, I also remember coming across hypertext in a book I was reading in middle school. I was reading Fearless by Francine Pascal, my favorite book to this…

12: Hypertext

In this post I will be using TV Tropes as a case study of the benefits and drawbacks of hypertext. “Nelson first published the term ‘‘hypertext’’ in his 1965 paper, ‘‘A File Structure for the Complex, the Changing and the Indeterminate,’’ where he describes a type of computer-supported writing system that would allow for branching,…

4. Hypertext Poetry

The genre I chose is hypertext poetry. Hypertext Poetry is part of the larger genre digital poetry. What I have found so far, partially on one of the sources Dr. Lang provided us, is that that the format of a hypertext poem is set up using links from words and lines, always from the primary…