By: Victoria DiMartino

i know why the caged bird sings,

full of promise and hope,

her feathers slowly and painfully plucked out of her one by one

she stands naked in front of the world

her pain reads like a newspaper headline

bold and overlooked

she sings a warbled and broken tune hoping that someone will open the cage and she can be set free

her feathers grow back slowly and without her permission,

her pain still exists but she hasn’t earned the right to be strong again

she hasn’t overcome anything yet

when she sings her tune with her coat fully grown back

she screams so loud and painfully, passerby’s wonder why something so beautiful could be horrible inside

she screams out to the world because she wants them to realize she’s not fully healed


she’s broken and raw

and just because her outside is whole

she is ripped up inside and wants the world to notice and tend to her invisible wounds

i know why the caged bird sings because i am the caged bird

trapped by the skinny bars, fully covered and no longer raw

but on the inside i am a plucked bird ready for the world to eat

as if they haven’t eaten enough of me already.