
By:  Victoria DiMartino sitting on silhouettes is when whispers are most likely to be heard. faint voices are to be delicate for the shadows to hear the innocence of silence is too much for children listening to sound is like hearing the secrets in your cars made from telling stories to the mind relish ungoldly hours that free you from half of your soul as time went by and started to fade…Continue Reading Silence

A Mother’s Love

By:  Kaitlynn Yeager Grandmom buried 3 of her 5 children, but little does she know there’s a 4th who picked up the shovel. He’s out there digging, high on methamphetamines, his cheeks hollowed out. His hands are shaking from digging all of these years, but he hasn’t stopped yet to take a break. Sweat drips off his chin and that vein in his forehead is pulsating…Continue Reading A Mother’s Love

Diagram of Color: My Body as a Glowstick

By: Jordyn Taylor my body / a glow stick, crack me open, click my colors into place. neck, knuckles, arms, ankles, try to release the tension built up in my twisted body. feel my plastic skin break and start to glow.   what color is it? Blue, like the veins inside me leading to a heart that’s beating, beating, beating, a neon sign blinks ‘we’re open’ but…Continue Reading Diagram of Color: My Body as a Glowstick


Police interrogation room

By: Phineas Penzo int. police station – day A pile of folders filled with documents sits on a desk. A layer of dust covers the top folder. Each folder is dated on its tab. The dates go back a few years. The office is messy with boxes, and the desk is cluttered. One folder sits…Continue Reading Confess

Marriage – It’s All A Grand Illusion (You’ll Probably Be Divorced)

A blue ceramic plate broken on the floor.

By: Miles R. De Rosa Jonah and Layla were washing dishes in strained silence. Maddy had finally been put down to sleep a little under an hour ago. The two were exhausted from watching Nemo for the fifth consecutive night. Jonah lazily scrubbed off leftovers from the night’s dinner, leaving Layla to then rescrubbed, rinse,…Continue Reading Marriage – It’s All A Grand Illusion (You’ll Probably Be Divorced)

In The Light

The burning of a city.

By: Miles R. De Rosa Sunday, May 29, 10:00 AM “Do you believe in God?” the priest asks through the partition. Apollo sits there in the box, sweating profusely. He rubs his clammy hands together and thinks to himself. There is a nervousness in the way he moves, scuttling around, shuffling in the confessional. Despite the…Continue Reading In The Light

Dedicated to Carter Diggs

A left hand holding a cigarette against a soft tan background.

By: Sydney Vincent I’ve traveled these roads countless times. I’ve seen a million faces, kissed thousands of lips, stayed the night with hundreds of strangers. On the east coast, many people spurn my ways. The west coast embraces it. I’ve never been fond of the middle. The ocean draws me in too heavily.  I’ve often enjoyed…Continue Reading Dedicated to Carter Diggs