Tag: family

College Misconceptions

[Orchestra music opens up] [Sound of partying, singing, talking yelling] [Sounds become muffled and a door closes.] SARAH L: That sounds like a wild party. Am I right? RANDOM VOICE: Oh hell yeah. SARAH L: Where do you think they are? A club, a bar, a college campus? If you said College campus, well you’re right. RANDOM VOICE: Yeehaw SARAH L: See, this is what a lot of people actually believe goes on during…

The Lost Art of Social Interaction

[Introduction music]  MEGAN: Hi, I’m Megan   VICTORIA: I’m Victoria  BRIANNA: I’m Bri  MEGAN: And we’ve been in the same classes for the past three years, but haven’t talked to each other until this class.    [laughter] BRIANNA: I think it’s really interesting how we haven’t talked to each other in all the time that we’ve known each other. I’ve seen you guys sit across the room, we’ve made eye contact, and we’ve…

Audio Bio: Marissa Massare

Cheyenne Intro: Marissa is a soft-spoken, kind, caring, family obsessed, kitty loving, amazing young woman, with a great head on her shoulders, a great personality, and a great religion that holds her together.   Lauren Intro: Marissa is a pancake eating, kitty cat loving, dancing queen, who loves to read books. She’s also a great friend.   Larissa Intro: Marissa is an ice cream loving, nap taking, graceful dancer, cat enthusiast, has hometown pride, and is…

Audio Bio: Brianna Simmons

Open with ambient noises from the inside of a moving car.  Brianna: Hi, I’m Brianna. I don’t really know where we are at the moment, it’s too dark to tell. But I’m pretty sure we’re close to where we need to go.  A car and a motorcycle pass in the background.  I thought the moon would finally make an appearance, sadly, I don’t think he’ll be joining us tonight. I love…

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