OverDrive Collection of Ebooks and Audiobooks Now Available to SU

Susquehanna University students, faculty & staff are getting access to a huge collection of best-selling ebooks and audiobooks thanks to a collaboration between Blough-Weis Library and our friends at Snyder County Libraries. The regional eBranch2Go OverDrive collection is now available to anyone with a valid SU ID card online at https://ebranch2go.overdrive.com or by downloading the Libby app via your mobile app store….Continue Reading OverDrive Collection of Ebooks and Audiobooks Now Available to SU

Kanopy Added to Library Collection

The library is pleased to announce the new addition of an online video streaming service ‐ Kanopy ‐ to our collections. Kanopy’s extensive offerings include thousands of award‐winning documentaries, educational and training films, and theatrical releases. Each video is available in HD and accessible to an unlimited number of simultaneous viewers. The collection includes a number of leading producers, such…Continue Reading Kanopy Added to Library Collection