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Basidiomycota (ba-si-di-o-mi-KO-ta) is made of two Greek roots that mean little base (basidion – βάσηδιον); and fungus (mykes -μύκης). The reference is to the basidium becoming the base for the basidiospores.


The Basidiomycota are those organisms that produce sexual spores ( basidiospores (text with tooltip) Sexually produced fungal spore borne on a basidium. ) on basidia (text with tooltip) Microscopic structures at the end of hyphae in which fungi produce spores. (Figures 1 and 2), often these are borne on distinctive basidiocarps (text with tooltip) Fruiting body of a basidiomycete which bears spores on specialized cells. or basidioma (Figure 2). The phylum typically has an extended dikaryophase in which the distribution of two nuclei to the daughter cells is facilitated by the formation of a clamp connection (text with tooltip) Short branches on many dikaryotic basidiomycetous hyphae, providing a bypass for one of the nuclei produced during synchronous division of the dikaryon, insuring their equal distribution between the new cells; croziers are possible homologues. (Figure 3), which is similar to the crozier of the Ascomycota. The most notable difference between the ascomycotes and basidiomycotes is the extended dikaryotic phase of some of the basiomycotas. The dikaryon can grow for many years and extend over many acres. For example, a mycelium of Armillaria ostoyae, the root rot fungus, covers about 2,200 acres in the Blue Mountains of Oregon, making it one of the largest organisms on earth (confirmed by DNA fingerprinting). Also, given average growth rates for this species, a mycelium that large would have to be about 8,000 years old.

FIGURE 1. SEM micrograph of the distal end of a basidium with its four basidiospores, each attached at the end of a sterigma (text with tooltip) A slender projection of the basidium where spores are attached. .
Image from
FIGURE 2. The Basidiocarp of a pore fungus. The hymenium is the layer from which the basidia arise. Note the detail of the basidia and basidiospores.
From Margulis and Schwartz (1998)
FIGURE 3. Clamp connection formation in the basidiomycota. The clamp connections operate like the croziers in the ascomycotes. The main difference is that, because the principle life stage is dikaryotic, and can persist in that form for many years.

The successful mycelium that begins to grow from a basidiospore is haploid, but likely encounters another haploid filament fairly quickly. Thus, the dikaryotic mycelium grows as an expanding circle. The mycelium also feeds on all available organic matter and nutrients during its expansion. Thus, the center of the circle becomes played out, and the hyphae die. So, older dikaryotic mycelia expand as a ring, which also is the source of the basidiocarps. Thus, common mushroom basidiocarps often emerge in a circle, sometimes called a fairy ring.

I once had someone call me up about a “mushroom problem” in his yard. He had mushrooms come up every year, even though he went out faithfully and picked them before they could shed their spores. I found the fundamental misunderstanding of the nature of the fungal organism to be very amusing. I responded that trying to rid himself of mushrooms by picking them was like trying to kill an apple tree by picking the apples. I tried gently to convince him that the were not pests and even served to help his lawn. Unfortunately, he took a very different message from the one that I intended. I discovered a year later that he had covered his lawn with fungicide.

The basidiomycote fungi range from common mushroom forms to some of the world’s most important plant pathogens. The rusts (Subphylum Urediniomycotina, Figures 4 and 5) and smuts (Subphylum Ustilagomycotina, Figures 6 and 7) are the main groups of plant pathogens, some of which are of major economic importance. The rusts (e.g. wheat rust and white pine blister rust) alternate between two hosts and have 5 different kinds of spores in their life cycles. In the case of Puccinia graminis, karyogamy occurs in the teliospore after which it undergoes meiosis. Upon germinating, the haploid filament has four cells, each of which has one of the meiospores and releases them as basidiospores. After landing on an appropriate host (in this case a barberry plant), the haploid basidiospore germinates and begins to grow in the leaf tissue. The mycelia of the different mating types develop clusters of spermogonia and receptive flexuous hyphae (functional female). Fusion of spermagonia and receptive hyphae yield dikaryotic hyphae, which produce chains of asexual spores (aeciospores) within aecia. The aeciospores germinate if they land on an appropriate grass (e.g. wheat). Then, the dikaryotic hypha grows through the wheat, generally killing the plant. They erupt on the sides of the infected wheat stalks with orange-red uredeniospores in uredinia. These spores can infect more wheat, which in a monoculture, can lead to the loss of the entire crop very quickly. As the wheat plant is dying, the dikaryotic (text with tooltip) Portion of life cycle during which cells are dikaryotic. filament makes a different kind of spore, a teliospore (text with tooltip) Thick-walled spores produced by rust fungi. (Figure 4A and 5). This is the spore that can remain in the soil, over winter, and then produce basidiospores in the spring [See the life history of Puccinia, Figure 4]. The smuts (e.g. corn smut-Figures 6 and 7- and oat smut) infect single hosts and have much simpler life histories (Figure 6). However, they are no less devastating to the crops that they infect.

FIGURE 4. Life cycle of Puccinia graminis.

A. Teliospore

B. Development of pro- mycelium (pr.)

C. Formation of basid- iospores

D. Germination of basid- iospore and infection of barberry

E. Spermagonia (s) and receptive hyphae (fh)

F. Plasmogamy and formation of dikaryon

G. Aecium with aeciospores

H. Aeciospore

I. Germinating aeciospore

J. Uredinium with uredin- iospores

K.&L. Urediniospore and germination

M. Telium with teliospores

From Bold et al. (1987)
FIGURE 5. Teliospores of Puccinia emerging from the culm of a wheat plant. This is one of five different types of spores produced in the complex life cycle of this organism.
Image from
FIGURE 6. Life Cycle of Ustilago maydis.

The smuts have a relatively simple life cycle compared to that of the rusts (above). A dikaryotic filament is formed from the fusion of two haploid spores (spor- ida). The dikayotic fila- ment infects the host plant (Zea mays, in this case) and proliferates. Smutted ker- nels become enlarged and tumor-like. Fusion of hap- loid dikaryonuclei occurs and then the kernel be- comes filled with black dip- loid teliospores. These germinate, undergo mei- osis, and form haploid sporida.
From Feldbrugge et al. (2004)

The Basidiomycotina is the most diverse subphylum in the Basidiomycota, and the taxa include common tree ears (Figure 8), jelly fungi (Figure 9), fairy clubs (Figure 10), bracket fungi (Figure 11), puffballs (Figure 12), gill mushrooms (Figure 13), and polypores (Figure 14). Typically, they can be differentiated on the basis of their basidiocarps, which show great disparity in form. In general, the basidiospores are the dispersive spores and they are launched by hydrostatic pressure between the sterigma and the basidiospore on the basidium. In these cases, they are called ballistospores (text with tooltip) A spore forcefully ejected from its source. . However, others have adopted different strategies. Phallus, (Figure 15) for example, emerges as a typical mushroom, but the cap becomes deliquescent (gelatinous) with the basidiospores embedded in the gel. The cap also begins to emit the odor of rotting meat. Flies that are attracted to the odor get spores caught on their feet and bodies. Then, being flies, they might go to feed on dung or rotting organic matter, perfect growth media for Phallus. Others, like the puffballs (see Figure 12), form basidiocarps that do not open to the outside. The inside of puffball undergoes autolysis and forms a mass of loose spores that are shed in puffs when the outer covering ( peridium (text with tooltip) Outer wall of a fruiting body. ) is touched. A single giant puffball can harbor millions of basidiospores, and the mycelium can produce several each year for the life of the mycelium (For the sake of argument, say 10 years). That would be more spores from one organism than all of the people on earth. Yet, it might replace itself with only one or two successful mycelia. This mantra of “many try, few succeed” is the basis of natural selection.

Many of the basidiocarps are strikingly beautiful, and some of them are quite tasty. The polypore, Boletus edulis (Figure 14), is sometimes called the King of Mushrooms because of its flavor and texture. The champignon, Agaricus bisporus (Figure 16), is the most common table mushroom in the US, and almost half of them are grown in Pennsylvania. Hunting for wild edible mushrooms can be fun and rewarding; however, many basidiocarps are poisonous, and a few are deadly. The Avenging Angel (Amanita phalloides) produces very toxic alkaloids, such as phalloidine and α-amanitine, which in sufficient concentrations, can destroy a healthy liver over a period of three days. Only a liver transplant can save the unlucky diner who mistakes Amanita phalloides for Amanita caesarea. Indeed, the alkaloids are so dangerous that they can move from one mushroom to another if poisonous and nonpoisonous mushrooms are put together in the same basket.

FIGURE 7. Smutted corn, the consequence of infection by Ustilago.
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FIGURE 8. The basidiocarps of Auricularia, wood ears.
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FIGURE 9. The basidiocarp of Tremella.
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FIGURE 10. Club-shaped basidiocarps of Clavariadelphus.
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FIGURE 11. Basidiocarps of Fomes, a bracket fungus.
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FIGURE 12. The basidiocarp of Lycoperdon, a puffball.
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FIGURE 13. Basidiocarp of Amanita.
Image from Systematic Biology Biodiversity Collection
FIGURE 14. Basidiocarp of Boletus edulis, sometimes called the King of Mushrooms because of its flavor and texture.
Image from
FIGURE 15. Basidiocarp of Phallus. The cap becomes sticky and filled with spores that are transported by flies.
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FIGURE 17. A longitudinal section through the basidiocarp of Agaricus, the champignon, the most common table mushroom in the US.
Image from Systematic Biology Biodiversity Collection


Like the taxonomic system of the Ascomycota, the Basidiomycota has seen important reexamination of many traditional associations and taxa. The phylum is comprised of three major monophyletic groups according to molecular, ultrastructural, and biochemical evidence (Boeckhout et al. 1993, 1995; Fell et al. 1995; McLaughlin et al. 1995; Prillinger et al. 1990; Swann and Taylor 1993, 1995; Wells 1994; Wolters and Erdman 1986; Knudson 1995; and Hibbet et al. 1997). The Urediniomycotina (=Teliomycotina) represent the oldest separation and are sisters to the rest of the basidiomycete fungi (Ustilagomycotina + Basidiomycotina). That relationship has been confirmed by the SSU and LSU r-RNA analyses of Lutzoni et al. (2004) and rpb2 and tef1 phylogenies of Matheny et al. (2007). As with other groups which have parasites as their most “primitive” forms, we have reservations about claims that place the complex parasitic taxa of the Urediniomycotina at the root of the tree of the Basidiomycota. With this reservation we use a system which is a modification of Knudsen (1995) with 3 subphyla, 4 classes, and 34 orders.

FIGURE 18. A cladogram showing the relationships between classes of the Basidiomycota (taxa in the shaded box). The topology is supported by Lutzoni et al (2004) and Matheny et al. (2007).

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By Jack R. Holt and Carlos A. Iudica. Last revised: 03/13/2015
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