This system is a modification of Cachon et al. (1990), and Febvre (1990), and Febvre-Chevalier (1990) and Adl et al. (2005). The following taxonomic treatments of the Acantharia is the same as that of Febvre (1990) and Febvre et al. (2000) and of the Polycystinea after Anderson et al. (2000). I have tentatively included Stilonoche in a third class called Taxopodea. |
Usually with 10, 16, 20 or 32 strontium sulfate spicules radiating from the center of the cell; all marine; outer vacuolated layer enclosed by a sheath or envelope; an inner mass sometimes enclosed within a fibrous capsule; often with large numbers of endosymbionts; flagellated stages produced by some (these have laterally inserted flagella, one directed anteriorly and the other directed posteriorly). This class has 4 orders.
- Simple acantharians in which the spines simply cross; no capsular membrane.
- Acanthochiasma, Acanthoplegma, Acanthocolla, Acanthospira, Acanthocyrtha.
- Bases of the 20 radial spines fused into a star-like structure called a central body; no capsular membrane.
- Acantholithium, Astrolithium, Astrolonche, Heliolithium, Amphilithium, Pseudolithium, Dicranophora, Haliommatidium.
- Spines 20; 4-sided; bases loosely articulated; no capsular membrane.
- Gigarticon, Heteracon, Amphiacon, Stauracon, Conicon.
- Have a capsular membrane; bases of the 20 radial spines are pyramidal with 5-6 faces; spines joined at the base to make a star-like body or a leaf-like body.
- Acanthometra, Amphilonche, Tetralonche, Pleuraspis, Lynchaspis, Icoaspis, Dorataspis, Coscinaspis, Craniaspis, Siphonaspis, Aconthaspis, Hystrichaspis, Dictyaspis, Phractopelta, Lithoptera, Coelaspis, Hexalaspis, Hexaconus, Phyllostaurus, Amphistaurus, Acanthostaurus, Lonchostaurus, Zygostaurus, Phatnacantha, Stauracantha, Xiphacantha, Pristacantha, Dictyacantha, Stauraspis, Diploconus.
Silicaceous skeleton of solid elements in a latticed shell with or without radial spicules; some make biflagellate swarmer cells (crystal swarmers); cytoplasm divided into inner and outer regions by a central capsule which is perforated by many pores; microtubular supports for the axopods arise in the cytoplasm; often with symbiotic algae. This class has 3 orders.
- Pores uniformly distributed in capsular membrane; skeleton absent or of spicules or of 1 or more concentric latticed shells.
- Thallasiocola, Thalassiolampe, Sphaerozoum, Raphidozoum, Thalassosphaera, Thalassoxanthum, Physematium, Thalassoplancta, Lampoxanthium, Tholostaurus, Styptosphaera, Plegmosphaera, Collosphaera, Arcosphaera, Buccinosphaera, Siphonosphaera, Disolenia, Otosphaera, Cenosphaera, Cladococcus, Acanthosphaera, Centrocubus, Octodendron, Spongoliva, Spongosphaera, Spongoplegma, Didymocyrtis, Carposphaera, Thecosphaera, Saturnalis, Stylacontarium, Stylatractus, Staurolonche, Hexalonche, Hexacontium, Cromyechinus, Astrosphaera, Actinomma, Larcopyle, Larcospira, Octopyle, Tetrapyle, Hexapyle, Pylolena, Spongocore, Spongurus, Heliodiscus, Amphirhopalum, Ommatodiscus, Stylochlamydium, Stylodictya, Spongopyle, Spongotrochus, Spongaster, Euchitonia, Hymeniastrum, Orosphaera, Thalassiothamnus, Bathysphaera, Thalassophysa, Collozoum, Actissa, Centrocolla.
- Axoplast near to the nucleus; microsphere near axoplast and is intracapsular.
- Hollandosphaera, Stigmosphaera, Heliosoma, Cyrtidosphaera, Cenellispis, Spongoliva, Panartus, Astrophacus, Euchitonia, Triolena, Monozonium, Tetrapyle.
- Capsular membrane with pores at one pole; skeleton formed of spines and connecting bars from a single element; often conical.
- Triplagia, Triplecta, Phormacantha, Zygocircus, Acanthodesmia, Lophospyris, Nephrospyris, Lithocircus, Neosemantis, Pseudocubus, Lithopera, Lophophaen Peromelissa, Arachnocorys, Cycladophora, Clathrocanium, Callimitra, Clathrocorys, Sethophormis, Lampromitra, Euecryphalus, Theopilium, Litharachnium, Cornutella, Peripyramis,Carpocanistrum, Antarctissa, Acanthocorys, Pterocanium, Dictyophimus, Lipmanella, Clathrocyclas, Cyrtopera, Stichopilium, Lithostrobus, Eucyrtidium, Spirocyrtis, Phormostichoartus, Siphocampe, Botryostrobus, Lyriospyris, Dendrospyris, Triceraspyris, Tholospyris, Phormospyris, Anthocyrtidium, Lamprocyrtis, Thecocorythium, Lamprocyclas, Pterocorys, Centrobotrys, Saccospyris, Acrobotrys, Botryopyle, Plagonidium, Cortina, Semantis, Zygostephanus, Prismatium, Anthospyris, Lophospyris, Rhodospyris, Amphispyris, Cyrtocalpis, Eucecryphalus, Pterocorys, Botryopera.
Four rows of flattened mobile axopodia (they can row themselves through the water) with ball and socket joints associated with the nucleus.
- Cell bilaterally symmetrical; rowing axopods which arise from microtubular organizing centers on the nuclear membrane; silicaceous spicules.
- Sticholonche.
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By Jack R. Holt. Last revised: 03/07/2013 |