- Eucarpic; zoospore without rumposome (although a side-body, present in some, may be a reduced rumposome), but with barren basal body not parallel to or attached to side of active basal body; ribosomes either dispersed or aggregated into a prominent nuclear cap; microtubules or striated root arising by or at the proximal end of the active basal body extend to and often around nucleus, which is close to basal bodies; alternation of haploid and diploid phases; anisogamous gametes both motile.
- Eucarpic, basal body anchored; thin-walled and thick-walled zoosporangia; zoospores with obvious nuclear cap enclosed by a double envelope connected to the nuclear membrane and with microtubules which extend from the active basal body to surround the nucleus.
- Allomyces, Blastocladiella, Blastocladia, Blastocladiopsis, Catenaria, Microallomyces.