The following system is a modification of Buck and Goffinet (2000) with 8 classes and 25 orders. I have indicated some of the new taxa that have been defined by molecular means without clear morphological synapomorphies with unhighlighted text in the table below. |
“Leaves” in three rows on the stem; rhizome functions as absorptive organ, no rhizoids (text with tooltip) A rhizome is a creeping underground stem from which erect stem axes may emerge. . Sporophyte with well-developed seta and multistratose capsule with a calyptra and a columella, but no peristome. It dehisces along a single spiral line on the capsule. Once considered to be a leafy liverwort, it now appears that Takakia is a sister to (or monophyletic with) Sphagnum.
- Takakia
Found world-wide in wet places, the gametophore is complex with a main axis and smaller, photosynthetic branches. Antheridia along the sides of the main axis near the tip; archaegonia in short branches clustered at the tip of the main axis. The capsule has an operculum and a very short seta; it is borne aloft by a long pseudopodium (text with tooltip) A leafless branch resembling a seta, bearing the capsule in some species of bryophytes (particularly in the Sphagnopsida and Andreaeopsida). Typically, the setae in these taxa are very short. After the fertilization of the egg, the tissue at the base of the archegonium grows and bears the capsule away from the leafy gametophore. Unfortunately, these structures that really should be called 'pseudosetae' were given the name pseudopodia (a term already in common usage for the cytoplasmic extensions of amoebae and rhizarians). .
- Sphagnum
- Ambuchananiia
Widespread in temperate to subarctic regions on exposed silicaceous rock. The gametophore is blackish and irregularly branched; perichaetial leaves larger than the vegetative leaves. The capsule has 4 longitudinal slits which usually do not extend to the tip. The seta is short and the capsule is borne aloft by a pseudopodium.
- Andreaea, Acroschima, Neuroloma.
The plant is similar to Andreaea. However, its sporophyte is not borne aloft by a pseudopodium, and it seems to have specialized to grow in carbonate rather than silicate rock. The spores are very large (50->120µm in diameter).
- Andreaeobryum
Found in the Northern Hemisphere in shaded forests. The gametophores form a dense turf (very short). The first gametophore is archaegonial. If it is not fertilized, a new branch forms beneath the perichaetium and grows with antheridia at its tip. The whole gametophore is less than 4cm. The seta is elongate as is the capsule which is surrounded by a calyptra. The operculum is elongate. The capsule has a peristome that has four multicellular teeth.
- Tetraphis, Tetrodontium.
The plants are minute; leaves are very small with on their margins. They are acrocarpous (sporophyte ate the terminus of the main stem). The sporophyte has an inclined, egg-shaped capsule. The peristome is double; the outer one has 4 rows of thread-like teeth; the inner one is a folded membrane. The calyptra is very small.
- Buxbaumia, Oedipodium.
The gametophore is complex with leptoids (text with tooltip) Specialized nutrient-carrying cells found in bryophytes. May have been the precursor vascular tissue. and hydroids (text with tooltip) Specialized water-carrying cells found in bryophytes. May have been the precursor vascular tissue. in the “stem” and “leaves” with longitudinal lamellae (text with tooltip) Thin sheets of cells usually standing perpendicular to the surface of a leaf. . The antheridial stem has determinate growth (text with tooltip) Having genetically determined limits to plant growth. and axillary antheridia. The capsule has multicellular peristomal teeth which are formed from a restricted number of cell layers. At the apex, the columella forms an expanded epiphragm.
- Polytrichum, Alophosia, Atrichum, Pogonatum, Bartramiopsis, Dawsonia, Dendroligotrichum, Herbantia, Itatiella, Lyellia, Meiotichum, Notoligotrichum, Oligotrichum, Plagioraclopus, Polytrichadelphus, Polytrichastrum, Pseudatrichum, Pseudoracelopus, Psilopilum, Racelopodopsis, Racelopus, Steereobryon.
The plants are acrocarpous (text with tooltip) This term is derived from two Greek roots that mean summit or limb (akron, άκρον) and fruit (karpos, καρπός). The reference is to a fruiting body that occurs at the summit or tip of the stem. It is an adjective most often used with mosses and liverworts to describe the terminal location of the archegonium and the subsequent sporophyte in some taxa. The alternative is pleurocarpous (fruiting on the sides of the axes). to pleurocarpous (text with tooltip) Having the seta rising from a short lateral special branch. (sporophyte borne on a short, lateral branch); they never have leptoids. Paraphyllia occur on the stem and they have leaf gemmae. The peristome has 3 or fewer rows of teeth which are always jointed and made of cell fragments. The teeth often have elaborate ornamentation and are hygroscopic. Nine orders.
- The plants have a sporophyte with a peristome of 16 outer teeth. The seta is very short so the capsules do not emerge from the gametophyte mat.
- Diphyscium, Muscofloeschuetzia, Theriotia.
- Timmia
- Bryobrittonia, Encalypta
- The shoots are acrocarpous, on soil, usually small (but some can be up to 6 cm). The leaves are egg-shaped to lance-shaped and have a thin awn. The seta is long or short. The capsule is erect to inclined and may be asymmetrical; round to pear-shaped with a distinct neck. The peristome is variable; single or double with 16 teeth which are often attached to a central disk. The calyptra is large and hooded.
- Funaria, Aphanorrhegma, Brachymeniopsis, Bryobeckettia, Corynotheca, Ochyra, Cygnicollum, Enthosthodon, Funaria, Funariella, Physcomitrellopsis, Physcomitrium, Pyramidula, Discelium, Chamaebryum, Costesia, Gigaspermum, Lorentziella, Neoshapiella, Oedipodiella.
- The shoots are acrocarpous, usually growing on rocks. The leaves are egg-shaped to linear with long cilia and an awn. The seta varies from long to short. The capsule is spherical to cylindrical. The peristome is single with 16 teeth, usually divided into 2 segments. The calyptra is hooded or conical.
- Grimmia, Neckera, Forrestroemia.
- Aligrimmia, Coscindon, Coscinodontella, Dryptodon, Indusiella, Jaffueliobryum, Leucoperichaetium, Racomitrium, Schistidium, Campylostelium, Gyphomitrium, Ptychomitriopsis, Ptychomitrium, Scouleria, Tridontium, Drummondia.
- The shoots are small with stems arising from below the leaves which surround sex organs. The leaves are lance-shaped with a sheathing base and a terminal awn. The seta is very short. The capsule is round with no operculum, peristome or columella. The calyptra is small.
- Archidium.
- Blindia, Brachydontium, Hymenolomopsis, Seligeria, Trochobryum, Wardia.
- The shoots are variable in length, some up to 5 cm. Leaves are in 2 rows on the stem and have awns. Shapes vary from oblong to lance-shaped. The seta varies from short to long. The capsule is ellipsoid, erect to inclined. The peristome is single with 16 teeth divided into 2 segments each. The calyptra is hooded and conical.
- Bryoxiphium, Fissidens.
- The shoots are large. Leaves vary from thin to large and have an awn. The capsule is egg-shaped to cylindrical, often curved and usually erect. The peristome is single with 16 teeth, each divided into 2 segments. The calyptra is hooded and conical.
- Anisothecium, Aongstroemia, Aongstoempsis, Arcota, Atractylocarpus, Braunfelsia, Brothera, Bryohumbertia, Bryotestua, Camptodontium, Campylopodiella, Campylopodium, Campylopus, Chorisodontium, Cnestrum, Cryptodicranum, Dicranell, Dicranodontium, Dicranoloma, Dicranum, Eucamptodontopsis, Holomitriopsis, Holomitrium, Hygodicranum, KiaeriaI, Kingiobryum, Leptotrichella, Leucoloma, Macrodictyum, Mesotus, Microcampylopus, Mitrobryum, Muscoherzogia, Orthodicranum, Paraleucobryum, Parisia, Pilopogon, Platyneuron, Pocsiella, Polymerodon, Pseudephemerum, Pseudochorisodontium, Schiliephackea, Sclerodontium, Sphaerothecium, Steyermarkiella, Symblepharis, Werneriobryum, Bruchia, Cladophascum, Pringleella, Trematodon, Dicnemon, Eucamptodon, Cladopodanthus, Leucobryum, Ochrobryum, Schistomitrium,
- Astomiopsis, Austrophilibertiella, Bryomanginia, Cerotodon, Cheilothela, Chrysoblastella, Cladastomum, Cleistocarpidium, Crumuscus, Cygniella, Distichium, Dittrichopsis, Ditrichum, Eccremidium, Garckea, Kleioweisiopsis, Pleuriditrichum, Pleuridium, Rhamphidium, Saelania, Skottsbergia, Strombulidens, Trichodon, Tristichium, Wilsoniella, Amphidium, Cynodontium, Dichodontium, Dicraoweisia, Holodontium, Oncophorus, Oreas, Oreoweisia, Pseudohyophila, Rhabdoweisia, Verrucidens, Hypnodontopsis, Jonesiobryum, Rhachitheciopsis, Rhachithecium, Tisserantiella, Uleastrum, Zanderia.
- Aulacopilum, Bryowijkia, Erpodium, Solmsiella, Venturiella, Wildia, Schistostega, Eustichia, Viridivellus.
- The shoots are acrocarpous, usually small. The leaves are egg-shaped to linear and have an awn. The seta varies from long to short. The capsule is erect or inclined; with or without an operculum; egg-shaped to cylindrical. The peristome is single with 16-32 teeth, often spirally twisted and divided into thread-like segments.
- Acaulon, Aloinella, Aloinia, Anoectangium, Aschisma, Barbula, Bellibarbula, Bryoceuthospora, Bryoerythrophyllum, Calymperastrum, Calyptopogon, Chenia, Chinoloma, Crossidium, Crumia, Dialytrichia, Didymodon, Dolotortula, Erythrophyllastrum, Erythrophyllopsis, Eucladium, Ganguleea, Gertrudiella, Globulinella, Goniomitrium, Gymnostomiella, Gymnostomum, Gyroweisia, Hannediella, Hilpertia, Hymenostyliella, Hymenostylium, Hyophila, Hyophiladelphus, Hypodontium, Leptobarbula, Leptodontiella, Leptodontium, Luisierella, Microbryum, Microcrossidium, Mironia, Molendoa, Neophoenix, Pachyneuropsis, Phascopsis, Plaubelia, Pleurochaete, Pottiopsis, Pseudocrossidium, Pseudosymblepharis, Pterygoneurum, Quaesticula, Reimersia, Rhexophyllum, Sagenotortula, Saitobryum, Sarconeuron, Scopelophila, Splachnobryum, Steonia, Stonea, Streptocalypta, Streptopogon, Streptotrichum, Syntrichia, Teniolophora, Tetracoscindon, Tetrapterum, Timmiella, Tortella, Tortula, Trachycapidium, Trachydontium, Trichostomum, Triquetrella, Tuerckheimia, Uleobryum, Weisiopsis, Weissia, Weissiodicranum, Willia, Ephemerum, Micromitrium, Nanomitropsis, Seportortella, Arthrocormus, Calympres, Exostratum, Leucophanes, Mitthyridium, Octoblepharum, Syrrhopodon, Cinclidotus, Bryobartramia.
- Aplodon, Brachymitrion, Moseniella, Splachnum, Tayloria, Tetraplodon, Voitia, Amblyodon, Leptobryum, Meesia, Neomeesia, Paludella, Catoscopium
- Bryomaltea, Cardotiella, Ceuthotheca, Codonoblepharon, Desmotheca, Florschuetziella, Groutiella, Leiomitrium, Leptodontiopsis, Macrocoma, Macromitrium, Matteria, Mulleriella, Orthotrichum, Pentastichella, Pleurorthotrichum, Schlotheimia, Sehnemobryum, Steneobryum, Ulota, Zygodon.
- Braunia, Hedwigia, Hedgwigidium, Pseudobraunia, Helicophyllum, Parahacocarpus, Rhacocarpus.
- The shoots are acrocarpous, moderate to large (up to 10 cm). Leaves egg-shaped to lance-shaped; tip pointed, often with a border and an awn. Capsule spherical to cylindrical, inclined to drooping. The peristome is double, each with 16 teeth; the inner a folded membrane which continues as cilia. The calyptra is small, hooded and quickly lost.
- Aulocomnium, Anacolia, Bartramia, Breutelia, Conostomum, Fleischerobryum, Flowersia, Leiomela, Philontis, Plagiopus, Quathlamba, Orthodontiym, Orthodontopsis, Acidodontium, Anomobryum, Brachymenium, Bryum, Mielichhobryum, Mniobryoides, Personia, Plagiobryum, Pleurophascum, Rhodobryum, Roellia, Rosulabryum, Mniomalia, Phyllodrepanium, Pseudoditrichum Cinclidium, Cyrtomnium, Epipterygium, Leucolepsis, Mielichhoferia, Mnium, Otthomnium, Plagiomnium, Pohlia, Pseudobryum, Pseudopohlia, Rhizomnium, Schizymenium, Synthetodontium, Trachycystis, Leptostomum.
- Hypnodendron, Cryptopodium, Goniobryum, Hymenodon, Hymenodontopsis, Leptotheca, Mesochaete, Pyrrhobryum, Rhizogonium, Calomnion, Mittenia, Bescherellia, Cyropodendron, Cyrtopus, Franciella, Spiridens, Pterobryella, Powellia, Racopilum.
- Achrophyllum, Cyathophorella, Cyathophorum, Dendrocyathophorum, Hookeria, Schimperobryum, Leucomium, Philophyllum, Rhynchostegiopsis, Calyptrochaeta, Crosbya, Daltonia, Distichophyllidium, Distichophyllum, Ephemeropsis, Leskeodon, Leskodontopsis, Metadistichophyllum, Adelothecium, Bryobrothera , Actinodontium, Amblytropis, Beeveria, Brymela, Callicostella, Callicostellopsis, Crossomitrium, Cyclodictyon, Diploneuron, Helicoblepharum, Hermiragis, Hookeriopsis, Hypnella, Lepidopilidium, Lepidopilum, Pilotrichidium, Pilotrichum, Sauloma, Stenodesmus, Stenodictyon, Tetrastichium, Thamniopsis, Trachyxiphium, Vesiculariopsis, Canalohypopterygium, Catharomnion, Hypopterygium, Lopidium.
- Cladomnion, Cladomniopsis, Glyphothecium, Hampeella, Ptychomnium, Tetraphidopsis, Endotrichellopsis, Euptychium, Garovaglia.
- Very diverse order of fern-like mosses. The shoots are pleurocarpous (creeping and erect or slender and robust); up to 5-20 cm long. Leaves usually lance-shaped, but may be ovate or round. Leaves are tipped with an awn. Capsule often inclined and round, oval or cylindrical. Peristome is double, inner teeth usually thread-like. Calyptra usually hooded.
- Neorutenbergia, Pseudocryphea, Rutenbergia, Braithwaitea, Trachyloma
- Amblystegium, Donrichardsia, Gradsteinia, Hygroamblystegium, Hypnobartlettia, Koponenia, Leptodictyum, Limbella, Ochyraea, Orthotheciella, Platylomella, Scriaromiella, Sciaromiopsis, Sinocalliergon, Vittia Cratoneuron, Sasaokaea, Actinotuidium, Bryochena, Helodium,, Palustriella, Hylocomiastrum, Hylocomium, Leptocladiella, Leptothymenium, Leskeobryum, Macrothamnium, Meteoriella, Neodolichomitra, Orontobryum, Pleurozium, Rhytidiadelpus, Rhytidiopsis, Schofieldiella, Rhytidium
- Claopodium, Dolichomitriopsis, Fabronidium, Haplocladium, Hylocomiopsis, Leptocladium, Leptopterigynandrum, Lescuraea, Leaskeadelphus, Leskeella, Lindbergia, Mamillariella, Miyabea, Okamuraea, Orthoamblystegium, Pseudoleskea, Pseudoleskeella, Pseudoleskeopsis, Ptychodium, Rigodiadelphus, Schwetschkea, Regmatodon.
- Hordon, Heterocladium, Iwatusukiella, Myurella, Pterigynandrum, Trachyphyllum, Rigodium Abietinella, Boulaya, Cyrtohypnum, Fauriella, Pelekium, Rauiella, Thuidiopsis, Thuidium.
- Anacamptodon, Callialaria, Calliergon, Campyliadelphus, Campylium, Conardia Cratoneuropsis, Drepanocladus, Hamatocaulis, Hygrohypnum, Loeskypnum, Pictus, Pseudocalliergon, Sqnionia, Scorpidium, Straminergon, Tomentypnum, Warnstorfia.
- Aerobryum, Aerolindigia, Besia, Brachythecium, Bryhnia, Bryoandersonia, Bryostereimannia, Cirriphyllum, Clasmatodon, Cratoneurella, Eriodon, Eurhychiella, Eurhynchium, Flabellidium, Homalotheciella, Homalothecium, Isothecium, Juratzkaeella, Lindigia, Mandoniella, Meteoridium, Myuroclada, Nobregaea, Palamocladium, Plasteurhynchium, Platypnidium, Pseudopleuropus, Pseudoscleropodium, Puiggariopsis, Rhynchostegiella, Rhynchostegium, Rozea, Schimperella, Scleropodiopsis, Scleropodium, Scorpiurium, Squamidium, Steerecleus, Stenocarpidiopsis, Trachybryum, Zelometeorium.
- Catogoniopsis, Entodontopsis, Eulacophyllum, Juratzekaea, Pilosium, Sciuroleska, Stenocaridium, Stereophyllum. Austinia, Helicodontium, Macrgregorella, Merrilliobryum, Myrinia, Nematocladia, Dimerodontium, Fabronia, Ischyrodon, Levierella, Rhizofabronia.
- Aerobryidium Aerobryopsis, Ancistrodes Barbella, Barbellopsis, Chrysocladium, Cryphaeophilum, Cryptopapillaria, Diaphanodon, Duthiella, Floribundaria, Fleisch, Lepyrodontopsis, Meteoriopsis, Meteorium, Neodicladiella, Neonoguchia, Pseudospiridentopsis, Pseudotrachypus, Sinskea, Toloxis, Trachycladiella, Trachypodopsis, Trachypus, Plagiothecium. Brachelyma, Dichelyma, Fontinalis, Entodon, Erythrodontium, Mesondon, Pylaisiobryum, Climacium, Pleuroziopsis.
- Andoa, Bardunovia, Breidleria, Bryocrumia, Bryosedwickia, Callicladium, Calliergonella, Campylophyllum, Caribaehypnum, Chrysohypnum, Crepidophyllum, Ctenidiadalphus, Caribaeohypnum, Chrysohypnum, Crepidophyllum, Ectropotheciella, Ectropotheciopsis, Ectropothecium, Elharveya, Giraldiella, Gollania, Herzogiella, Homomallium, Hondaella, Horridohypnum, Hycomium, Hypnum , Irendia, Isopterygiopsis, Isopterygium, Leiodontium, Macrothamniella, Mahua, Microcteidium, Mittenothamnium, Nanothecium, Orthothecium, Phyllodon, Plagiotheciopsis, Platydictya, Platygyriella, Platygyrium, Podperaea, Pseudotaxiphyllum, Ptilium, Pylaisiella, Rhacopilopsis, Rhizohypnella, Sclerohypnum, Serpoleskea, Stenotheciopsis, Stereodontopsis, Syringothecium, Taxiphyllopsis, Taxiphyllum, Trachythecium, Tripterocladium, Vesicularia, Wijkiella.
- Catagonium, Chaetomitriopsis, Chaetomitrium, Dimorphocladon, Symphyodon, Acanthorrhynchium, Acritodon, Acropotrium, Allionrllopsis, Aptychella, Aptychopsis, Brotherella, Chinostomum, Clastobryella, Clastrobryophilum, Clastobryopsis, Clastobryum, Colobodontium, Donnellia, Foreauella, Gammiella, Hagniella, Heterophyllium, Isocladiella, Leptoischyrodon, Macrohymenium, Mastopoma, Meiotheciella, Papillidiopsis, Paranpiacabaea, Potamium, Pseudohypnella, Pterogonidium, Pterogoniopsis, Pylaisiadelpha, Pylaisiopsis, Radulina, Rhaphidostichum, Scaderella, Schroeterella, Sematophyllum, Struckia, Taxitheliella, Taxithellia, Taxithelium, Timotimius, Trichosteleum, Trismegistia, Trolliella , Warburgiella, Wijkia.
- Hydropogon, Hydropogonella, Eumyrurium, Myrurium, Oedicladium, Palisadula, Piloecium Cryphaea,, Cryphidium, Cyptodon, Cyptodontopsis, Dendroalsia, Dendrocryphaea, Dendropogonella, Pilotrichopsis, Schoenobryum, Sphaerotheciella, Prionodon, Antitrichia, Dozya, Eoleucodon, Felipponea, LeucodonSchägr, Pterogonium, Scabridens, Calyptothecium, Cryptogonium, Henicodium, Hildebrandtiella, Horikawea, Jaerernia, Micralsopsis, Muellerobryum Neolindbergia, Orthorrhynchidium, Orthostichidium, Orthostichopsis, Ostewaldiella, Penzigiella, Pireella, Psuedopterobryum, Pterobryidium, Pterobryon, Pterobryopsis, Pulchrinodus, Renauldia, Rhabdodontium, Spiridentopsis, Smphysodon, Symphysodontella, Phyllogonium, Orthorrhynchium, Dichelodontium, Lepyrodon.
- Baldwiniella, Bissetia, Btyolawtonia, Caduciella, Crassiphyllm, Cryptolepton, Curvicladium, Dixonia, Dolichomitra, Handeliobryum, Himantocladium, Homalia, Homalidelphus, Homalidendron, Hydrocryphea, Isodrepanium, Metaneckera, Neckera, Neckeropsis, Meomacounia, Noguchiodendron, Pendulothecium, Pinnatella, Porotrichopsis, Porotrichum, Thamnobryum, Touwia. Alsia, Forsstroemia, Leptodon, Taiwanobryum, Acrocladium, Camptochaete, Fifea, Lembophyllum, Neobarbella, Orthostichella, Pilotrichella, Weymouthia, Anomodon, Bryonorrisia, Chileobryon, Curviramea, Haplohymenium, Herpetineuron, Schwetschkeopsis, Thelia, Microtheciella, Sorapilla.
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By Jack R. Holt. Last revised: 03/21/2013 |