The following description comes mainly from Margulis and Schwartz (1998), Barnes (1984), Brock et al. (1994), and Tudge (2000). |
- I. SYNONYMS: δ-proteobacteria, sulfate-reducing bacteria, bdellovibrios, and the gliding bacteria.
- A. Structure
- Cell Form: Variable; rods (text with tooltip) A rod is an elongate cell form such that it has distinct ends (called poles). , cocci (text with tooltip) A coccus (cocci, pl.) is a spherical cell form. , spirals (text with tooltip) A spiral is a cell form that is a cork-screw shaped rod. or irregularly lobed.
- Cell Wall: Gram- (text with tooltip) A Gram - cell loses the blue-black crystal-violet color following destaining with alcohol during the Gram Stain procedure. Then, it takes on the color of the counterstain, typically iodine. .
- Motility: Non-motile or motile (text with tooltip) Motile comes from the Latin, motus, a participle of the verb movere, which means to move. Although the Latin word means general movement, the Biological term means a cell or colony of cells that move by means of flagella. , the myxobacteria move by gliding over surfaces.
- B. Physiology
- O2 Tolerance: Strice anaerobes or aerobes (text with tooltip) Aerobes is derived from Greek terms aero (air) and bios (life). Aerobes (n) are those bacteria that require free oxygen for metabolism. . No facultatively anaerobic taxa.
- Substrates: They metabolize simple to complex organic compounds as heterotrophs.
- Products: Terminal electron acceptors include Oxygen (for the aerobes) to sulfur, sulfate and small organics. Thus, the anoxic taxa typically reduce sulfate to a variety of sulfur compounds. Almost all metabolize organic sources to carbon dioxide.
- C. Other: Very diverse group of bacteria.
- D. Ecology: Free-living in soils and aquatic sediments.
- A. Structure
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By Jack R. Holt. Last revised: 02/18/2013 |