By: Jordyn Taylor

It began with all the poetry weirdo’s & worriers, and warriors,

Worried that their words would be whisked away rather than

Wondered, if their wisdom would be wasted on weakness.

When you want to work, breathe in the wisdom of others

And confidence will follow. Warriors can be wanderers too.

It began when willow trees blew whimsical willow leaves

Into the window of a young woman wondering if she’d ever

Write again. And when the white petal of the willow tree

Landed in her way, she wept. She wrote. She wondered.

It began with worriers, and warriors, weirdo’s and weepers, and

While they wondered which they were, they don’t need a

Witch to tell them the way, only the writing could say.

Watch. Time ticking. Through the window, a widow to woe,

It will begin with a pen and a wish.1


Inspired by, and including, the line: It began with all the poetry weirdo’s & worriers, and warriors from American Sonnets for my Past and Future Assassin by Terrance Hayes