Bring your pets and your books this weekend because every June 21 is bring your dog to work day and every June 22 is bring your cat to work day! Throughout the semesters, we typically have something called Dog Days, where we bring in some therapy pups to help destress the students around campus, but seeing as there are very few people on campus currently, we wanted to find a different way to celebrate. Thus, I have asked some of the librarians to share their fur babies and a book they are currently reading, or plan to read this summer, to celebrate such a fun little holiday!

Meg Garnett

I have three cats – in order from the top step of the photo, Iggy, Clover, and Max. Max is the oldest, and I’ve had him since before I moved here. He loves people and activity, and also gardening books, especially the big thick ones that are like encyclopedias. They provide an excellent perch for looking out the window at the general store and its hitching post across the street. Clover is the middle cat in all ways. I got her as a kitten to keep Max company, after my other cat died, just before COVID lockdowns. Her favorite books are the ones that make a good ‘whacking’ sound when they hit the floor after she knocks them off something to make a point, usually about dinner being late. Iggy was a tiny lost kitten I found crying under a holly shrub four years ago. He’s now an enormous but timid cat with a huge bushy tail that isn’t visible here but is an entity unto itself. He’s more of a paper person – well, cat. He really loves sitting on knitting patterns, but will sit on any available reading material if it’s next to me on the couch. All three were recently helpful with a German literature article I was editing. Max fell asleep on my dictionary, Clover knocked the Chicago Guide off the couch, and Iggy kept sitting on the printed draft and periodically my laptop.

When not assisted by felines, I’m currently trying to read Peter Wohlleben’s The Hidden Life of Trees, which describes the ecosystem of old-growth European forests, particularly the ways in which the trees are connected – sometimes literally – to each other, and how that influences their growth and survival.

Amanda Boyer

I have three orange cats: Malibu, Margarita, and Moonshine. I adopted Malibu and Margarita from the SPCA last summer after they had been there about a month and getting passed over for all the kittens. Moonshine we rescued this month when a student found him abandoned downtown. Moonshine and Margarita are both very snuggly and cry for attention, while Malibu is more the plotting world domination type. All three like to take turns sitting in my recliner with me at night while I read. I am currently listening to A More Beautiful and Terrible History by Jeanne Theoharis, and I am currently reading Five Years From Now by Paige Toon. I read quite a bit, though, so I will probably have finished these by the time the blog post comes out. Next on my pile are The Family Remains by Lisa Jewell and Familia by Lauren E. Rico.


Morgan MacVaugh

This is Otter! He is a 1-year-old Cardigan Welsh Corgi, and a pretty on-brand Gemini (much like his mother). Otter enjoys hiking in the woods, sprinting through snow and streams, and conducting sock-heists. When asked about his book preferences, Otter simply replied, “the corners,” and proceeded to gnaw through the corner of his mothers’ copy of The Familiar by Leigh Bardugo.

Luckily, I recently finished up The Familiar, and it is easily one of the best books I’ve read in years. I cannot recommend it enough. As for my next read, I’m excited to delve into Riley Sager’s newest, Middle of the Night. It comes out June 18th, and I’ll be the first in line at Otto’s Bookstore!


Amir El-Chidiac

I’m currently reading a few different books. The one on my nightstand is Sea Change by Gina Chung. As many of you know, I’m a big fan of cephalopods and this book centers around a woman’s relationship with a giant Pacific octopus named Dolores and how the octopus connects to her family history.

At home, my partner and I have two pets. Edwin is the refined 15-year-old gentleman tuxedo cat of the household. His favorite activities involve harassing us to shake his slow feeder (which he is perfectly capable of using to get the kibble out), knocking things off the coffee table, smacking his brother Kirby because Kirby is too cheerful and doesn’t have spacial awareness, looking incredibly handsome, posing for photographs, and snuggling. Kirby is a ball of sweetness, he’s a five-year-old Chihuahua/Jack Russell mix. His favorite activities include stealing Edwin’s food, hoping Edwin will play with one and be his best friend, power napping, snuggling, looking adorable, playing fetch and tug-of-war, barking at squirrels, loud trucks, most men, and bicycles.


Nici Allen

I have 3 cats: Nina (8 year old grey and white tabby), MuShu (6  year old black shorthair) and we just adopted a new kitten! Her name is Penelope Louise, and is a ball of feisty energy. She loves sleeping on my neck and terrorizing her older siblings. 

This summer, most of my reading will be school related (I recently started grad school) but and still hoping to find time for some fun reading. My To Be Read pile consists of The Reformatory by Tananarive Due, The Sun Sets in Singapore by Kehinde Fadipe, Out There Screaming by Jordan Peele and Take My Hand by Dolen Perkins-Valdez.


Rob Sieczkiewicz

My dog Miah is a Shepherd-Husky mutt adopted from Haven to Home Canine Rescue in 2016. When not walking Miah, I’m currently reading Leigh Bardugo’s new novel, The Familiar.”


I hope you’ve enjoyed this short post about all our lovely little library pets and get the chance to snuggle up with your own with a good book by your side! Happy bring your pet to work days!