Dungeons and Dragons is the most popular tabletop role-playing game in the world; between creating characters, going on quests, and most importantly, spending time with friends, the game appeals to all walks of life. With over fifty million players worldwide it would seem easy to join a game, but all at once there are so many rules, story lines, monsters, and terminology to understand that it seems impossible to get a hang of the game and much less so to ask for help.
Coming up on November 13th, a short Dungeons and Dragons campaign will be held by one of SU’s students, Emma Swartz, at the library (Register to participate here). Emma will be hosting a one shot- a D&D session hosted in one sitting- where anyone of any experience level can join. Below is an interview with Emma to understand more about the upcoming event and why she decided to host a Dungeons and Dragons session.
Why did you want to start a D&D campaign?
“I wanted to run a D&D adventure at the library because Dungeons and Dragons is something that I am very passionate about as well as storytelling. The epitome of D&D is storytelling and D&D can be a vehicle for everyone to get the chance to tell their own story through someone else’s eyes. In starting an adventure as an on-campus event, it can give others a chance to see just how amazing D&D can be to discuss one’s own story and tell an amazing story together.”
What do you want others to take away from this game?
“I am actually combining the D&D event at the library with my project for my English capstone. This event is something that I am using as a gateway to champion the importance of diversity, specifically through fantasy stories. Diversity is something very important, especially when it comes to writing. Everyone should have a chance to relate to a character or story from their own personal experience. Therefore, I want people to take away from this game the importance to telling stories and telling stories from every perspective and every point of view. “
Where do you see this going in the future/future clubs or events?
“I think there could possibly be a D&D club that could get going at SU, while I don’t have enough time left at this University to put this club or idea together, I hope that someone who plays the game that I run can be inspired to run a game of their own and spread the wealth of D&D to others.”
What advice do you have to people who want to do something similar- i.e. host something they’re passionate about?
“Building an event around something you are passionate about is extremely important and rewarding. Seeing other’s eyes light up with the same passion you have about something you are showing them is a form of boundless energy and contentment. Anything that you can be passionate about can become the same thing for someone else, and that alone shows the importance of spreading it.”
Emma’s Dungeons and Dragons campaign will be held on November 13th from 7pm to 10pm in Room 104 of the library. You can register to participate via this link: https://susqu.libcal.com/calendar/events/dandd It is recommended to bring a pre-made character sheet to the event.
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