Good Food Friday

Back in my “Summertime Sadness” blog post I talked about a bunch of different topics, something I have been emphasizing more on in these recent posts, and given that it was recently Culinary Day, I wanted to talk more about food literature offered in our collection. Throughout this weekend there are many other unofficial holidays…Continue Reading Good Food Friday

Minority Mentality Matters!

In addition to Disability Pride Month, July also brings awareness to Minority Mental Health, and since I recently made a booklist about Disability Pride, I wanted to share some more books focused on the BIPOC and queer audience. In its full name, Bebe Moore Campbell National Minority Mental Health Month was established in July of…Continue Reading Minority Mentality Matters!

Book Review: Life as We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer

If you couldn’t tell from my previous blog posts, I love science fiction, especially anything all to do with astronomy. But above the spectacles of spaceships and super-societies, I find end-of-world dystopias to be even more fascinating. Seeing as tomorrow, July 20, is Moon Day (the 75th anniversary of Apollo 11 landing on our lunar…Continue Reading Book Review: Life as We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer

AI: To Appreciate or Isolate

Artificial Intelligence is one of the hottest topics of debate, especially in the world of education, but did you know that in 2021 a group of people attempted to dedicate a day to it? Artificial Intelligence Appreciation Day was declared July 16, 2021, by a company known as A.I. Heart LLC. There is little information…Continue Reading AI: To Appreciate or Isolate

Pages of Empowerment: Books to Read for Disability Pride

July is a month full of hot holidays and summer festivities, but it is also the month dedicated to spreading awareness and celebrating Disability Pride Month, so today I pulled together some of my favorite novels and memoirs alike that celebrate stories of understanding, overcoming, and living with disabilities.  Disability Pride Month was first proposed…Continue Reading Pages of Empowerment: Books to Read for Disability Pride

Book Review: Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

Did you know that there is an entire day dedicated to video games? Every year, the nation celebrates National Video Game Day on July 8, and recently, I read a book that would be perfect to talk about on such an occasion. One of the most popular books of 2023 was “Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and…Continue Reading Book Review: Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

Fireworks for the First of July

The Fourth of July, a day prided by the red, white, and blue-blooded American, a day of scorching family barbeques and flashy fireworks that spark fear into our little furry friends. But believe or not, not everyone in the world celebrates the birth of the United States, being only one of 65 countries to be…Continue Reading Fireworks for the First of July

Summertime Sadness: A College Student Guide to Surviving Summer

Summer is officially here but lately I’ve found myself listening to Lana Del Ray’s “Summertime Sadness” on repeat. Part of the college experience is the lengthy breaks that remind me just how much I miss having a schedule to keep me busy, don’t get me wrong, I love taking time to relax and take in…Continue Reading Summertime Sadness: A College Student Guide to Surviving Summer