Book Review: The Haunting of Alejandra by V. Castro

Recently, I have been reading a lot of books, if you couldn’t tell by the many reviews I’ve been doing recently. But there are still so many I have yet to discuss on here. “The Haunting of Alejandra” by V. Castro is a book that I started late last year and finished just this week….Continue Reading Book Review: The Haunting of Alejandra by V. Castro

Book Review: Under the Udala Trees by Chinelo Okparanta

No matter what Google Calander says, February will always be Black History Month, and I will keep talking about it until the bitter end. As I have stated repeatedly, one of the best ways to better understand other cultures, identities, and traditions is through the wonderous worlds of literature. Whether it be fictional or factual,…Continue Reading Book Review: Under the Udala Trees by Chinelo Okparanta

Book Review: How Long Til Black Future Month by N.K. Jemisin

In my last post, I briefly mentioned “How Long Til Black Future Month” by N. K. Jemisin, though because this is a collection of short stories, I felt that it deserved a more in-depth post itself. So today I will be doing exactly that! I will also be formatting this review slightly differently from my…Continue Reading Book Review: How Long Til Black Future Month by N.K. Jemisin

In the Shelves and Stars

I love astronomy. There’s just something so special about staring up at the empty night sky, dotted with stars and planets from thousands of miles away. And then there is the occasional blinking satellite, slowly drifting across the horizon. It’s been 68 years since the first satellite, Sputnik 1, launched, and four years later the…Continue Reading In the Shelves and Stars

Book Review: Atalanta

If you’re a Greek mythology fan—and especially a fan of warrior women—you will love Atalanta by Jennifer Saint! Full of heart, strength, and determination, but also moral complications, mercilessness, and a striking brutality, this story never ceases to amaze me.   About the Book  In the beginning, Atalanta is an infant princess left to die on…Continue Reading Book Review: Atalanta

Winter Break Reads

The end of the semester can be stressful. Winter break is a time to relax, unwind, and spend time with loved ones. So why not read something for the heart? Whether a witty romantic comedy, a loving journey of self-discovery, or a blossoming friendship, these feel-goods will have you warm all the way into January. …Continue Reading Winter Break Reads