Stories of Science!

As February comes to a close, we get to celebrate a fun, yet often unknown national holiday. Every year on February 28, we celebrate National Science Day, honoring scientific achievements and fostering a culture of curiosity and innovation. This day marks the discovery of the Raman Effect, an often-overlooked phenomenon that is a result of…Continue Reading Stories of Science!

In the Shelves and Stars

I love astronomy. There’s just something so special about staring up at the empty night sky, dotted with stars and planets from thousands of miles away. And then there is the occasional blinking satellite, slowly drifting across the horizon. It’s been 68 years since the first satellite, Sputnik 1, launched, and four years later the…Continue Reading In the Shelves and Stars

Winter Break Reads

The end of the semester can be stressful. Winter break is a time to relax, unwind, and spend time with loved ones. So why not read something for the heart? Whether a witty romantic comedy, a loving journey of self-discovery, or a blossoming friendship, these feel-goods will have you warm all the way into January. …Continue Reading Winter Break Reads

10 Books to Read for Suicide Prevention Month

Content Warning: Suicide and mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia.  September is National Suicide Prevention Month. Suicide (like many other mental conditions) can affect anyone, no matter their age, background, or other identity markers. During this month, the goal is to raise awareness: to give hope, share valuable information, and change the…Continue Reading 10 Books to Read for Suicide Prevention Month

Picture This!

I love taking pictures. Whether they be of bumble bees in the Shakespeare Garden or of great mountains and canyons; I always enjoy snapping a shot of our beautiful world and taking it with me, a moment forever captured. I’ve always found photography to be one of my favorite art forms, and was excited to…Continue Reading Picture This!