Read With Pride!

Here at Susquehanna University, we don’t typically get the opportunity to celebrate Pride Month in June (seeing as we tend to finish Spring Semester in mid-May) as such, we usually partake in the festivities in April, and this year the Student Library Advisory Committee pulled together a list of 45 of our most popular LGBTQIA+…Continue Reading Read With Pride!

Books You May Read This May

May is a month of representation for many groups across the nation. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, and Jewish American Heritage Month, and we’ve got shelves full of books for people of all communities to enjoy. Mental Health Awareness: Way back in 1908, Mental Health Awareness Month…Continue Reading Books You May Read This May

Patrick Thomas Henry on the Stories that Inspired Him

For those who do not know, Patrick Thomas Henry (whom I will refer to as PTH) is an alum of Susquehanna University with degrees in both Creative Writing and Political Science. After his graduation in 2008, he went on to get an MA in English Literature from Bucknell University, an MFA in Creative Writing from…Continue Reading Patrick Thomas Henry on the Stories that Inspired Him

Sexual Assault Awareness Month Book Recs

Since April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, I chose to visit the VIP Center (found in the lower level of the Blough-Weis Library) to speak with Wynn Phillips, the Director of Violence Prevention, about books that pertain to sexual assault awareness, so that I could share a list of books/resources for those interested. To be…Continue Reading Sexual Assault Awareness Month Book Recs

National Library Week: Blough-Weis Staff Talk Classics

In celebration of National Library Week, I sent out a survey to the full-time staff members of our very own Blough-Weis Library to learn about their individual reading experiences with classic literature. I assume most (if not all) of us have had some experience reading classic literature, either from English courses of the past or…Continue Reading National Library Week: Blough-Weis Staff Talk Classics

Women’s History Month: “Book a Week” Reading Challenge

In honor of Women’s History Month, I have curated two lists of titles for a “Book a Week” reading challenge (because I am indecisive and couldn’t pick just one theme). Here is my conglomeration of book recommendations featuring female protagonists that are historical in one way or another. Feel free to stick to one list…Continue Reading Women’s History Month: “Book a Week” Reading Challenge

Anti- Romance Book Recs

Not in the Valentine’s Day spirit? Sick of seeing romance books with their cutesy graphic covers and bright colors left and right? Want something a little different for your season of love? If you just aren’t feeling it and would prefer to avoid romantic tales, these books could help. If you want something wholesome without…Continue Reading Anti- Romance Book Recs