“Avalanche” – Rachael Blaine

Clutter- Bug is a cute nickname until you find out the bugs are real, creepy crawling over coffee cups and couch cushions When you live with a hoarder, you get used to clutter You get used to stepping around picked-over paper plates and piles of half-priced pants Clutter Is a word I use to sort…Continue Reading “Avalanche” – Rachael Blaine

“Sugar Magnolia” – Gabby Grinaway

Obituary as defined by Merriam-Webster Dictionary: “a notice of a person’s death usually with a short biographical account”. Obituary as defined by me: “a notice of a person’s death that serves as a fake reminder of the person; a bullshit “memory” that does not include: accuracy, temperament, small ticks, habits, etc.”. “July 19, 2019. Joseph…Continue Reading “Sugar Magnolia” – Gabby Grinaway

“The Parking Lot” – Kailah Figueroa

the parking lot you were the first person to ever adore me. a partnership, handcrafted from years of love. grateful to be the first machine  your hands had touched. to be your second home. dark blue, nineteen-nineties, grandpa’s crowbar in the trunk.   when you wrapped your arms around her waist, kissed her between silver parking…Continue Reading “The Parking Lot” – Kailah Figueroa

“Body, Forgive Me” – Jack Snyder

Transcript: this hair ropes,  sings, waves, plays with the wind and laughs it is happy today, i can feel it smiling, down the mountain range  of my spine, all hills or         a tree  full of knots   my eyes are honey and sage and copper and  when they storm,  they become…Continue Reading “Body, Forgive Me” – Jack Snyder

“No Fats, No Femmes” – Richard Berwind

  My favorite thing about Grindr  Is the headless men  No  You see, these “men”  They write  no fats, no femmes, no blacks, no asians  They write  Masc for Masc  They write  If I don’t respond to u then ur ugly  You see, these men  DM my inbox  And they’re looking for an “experience”   …Continue Reading “No Fats, No Femmes” – Richard Berwind

“We Soar, We Fall” – Hannah Mackey

Do you remember when our mothers taught us how to fly? When they threw us from their nest of safety and protection, The nest of naivety and innocence, the nest of curiosity and purity And we flew? We passed the first test life threw so violently at our faces The test to see if the…Continue Reading “We Soar, We Fall” – Hannah Mackey

“So I Just Downloaded Tinder (The Steps to Creating my Online Profile)” – Jordyn Taylor

It’s the Saturday before the first day of classes, My friends and I are laughing and hanging out like usual, but It doesn’t take me long to figure out why I feel so left out even though I’m surrounded by people who care about me. I realize… I’m the only one here who doesn’t have…Continue Reading “So I Just Downloaded Tinder (The Steps to Creating my Online Profile)” – Jordyn Taylor

“Of Origins and Futures” – Kayla Bush

  How can you love me? How can you love someone who’s more visibly broken than you? You’ve seen me cry so many times, I’ve stopped counting. And I’ve cracked so much under pressure. Because I am just so overwhelmed with the stress. You see, my family tree’s roots are gnarled with anxiety, and contain…Continue Reading “Of Origins and Futures” – Kayla Bush

“Someone Else’s Father” – Kaitlynn Yeager

In a life where I have someone else’s father, I may or may not still be a writer. I may have had a childhood where we spent days in the pool, held hands to cross the street, and ate cookies & milk at the dinner table before bed. In a life where I have someone…Continue Reading “Someone Else’s Father” – Kaitlynn Yeager

“Familial Burdens” – Sarena Pollock

My grandmother tells me the story of her abandonment at every holiday dinner, every time she remembers the smell of whiskey on her father’s breath   and we drive past the birthplace of her legacy at her old childhood home. There, that’s the house I grew up in, the one on the hill   and I…Continue Reading “Familial Burdens” – Sarena Pollock