In 1983, sociologist Donald Black proposed that people who do not think they have any legal options may commit crimes as either “self-help” or “social control.” This theory could easily apply to Annie’s situation. Judges at the time discouraged divorce, so Annie likely did not see this as an option for escaping her marriage. However, she knew that her life could be in danger. Feeling that they had no other choice, the two decided to take matters into their own hands.

Mount Carmel Times

Annie’s defense claimed that this fear was what led her and Ralph to murder her husband. The New Castle News and the Mount Carmel Times both wrote articles describing the state of abuse that Annie had claimed occurred.

For more on the study of domestic abuse and its connections to corrective violence, see Elicka S. L. Peterson, “Murder as Self-Help: Women and Intimate Partner Homicide”, Homicide Studies 3(February 1999): 30-46.