Women’s History Month Reading Challenge

Don’t know what to read for Women’s History Month? The Blough-Weis Library has you covered! Not only have we created a reading challenge, but we’ve even identified books in our collection to help you complete the challenge. Read a Book with a Female Friend Group What’s a girl without her core group of gal pals…Continue Reading Women’s History Month Reading Challenge

Library Student Worker Spotlight: Tyla Parks

As part of National Library Week, we’re highlighting one of our senior student workers, Tyla Parks. Tyla has been with us for her four years at Susquehanna University, working as an Interlibrary Loan and Archives student assistant, and is planning on relaying that work into a Library Science degree next year. Currently, Tyla is a…Continue Reading Library Student Worker Spotlight: Tyla Parks

Ready to Read

The Department of Rare Books and Special Collections by Eva Jurczyk Leisure PR9199.4.J86 D47 2022 Liesl Weiss long ago learned to be content working behind the scenes in the distinguished rare books department of a large university, managing details and working behind the scenes to make the head of the department look good. But when…Continue Reading Ready to Read

10 LGBTQ+ books to read in 2021

As Pride Month closes, we are highlighting new releases that tell stories of perseverance, hatred, strength and love from the LGBTQ+ community. After a stormy, intense year, it’s refreshing to have a month centered around hope and prosperity. COVID-19 continues to halt Pride celebrations around the country, but these readings stand as a testament that…Continue Reading 10 LGBTQ+ books to read in 2021

June 2021 releases you MUST read

From unapologetically heart-wrenching to hopefully optimistic, this list encompasses all of the difficult, awkward topics and conversations that people need to be having. After the political and social unrest of the last year, people search for clarity and answers, some of which can be found in the pages of literature. These new releases explore the…Continue Reading June 2021 releases you MUST read