Archive | May 2019

Lewisburg Baccalaureate Remarks

I had the privilege of delivering the keynote address at Lewisburg Area High School’s Baccalaureate. A few people asked me to share those remarks.

Advice from a person a little older than most of your parents sounds out of touch, but ever since I finished high school, I have spent my life surrounded by people who have recently finished high school, first as one of them, and since, as a teacher, advisor, and an administrator.

Each of us has a limited number of opportunities to reassert or reinvent ourselves, and you are approaching one of them. Whether you are going to college, pursuing technical training, or entering the workforce, you are about to make a community leap.

Most of you have been together for years, and you don’t need to close the door on your current community of friends, but each of you is about to encounter a new cohort of friends, classmates, mentors, and neighbors who don’t know you. They don’t remember the great things you have done, and, more importantly, they don’t remember the embarrassing things you have done. You have a fresh start, use it wisely.

Always be yourself, but I encourage you to spend the next few weeks thinking about any moments in your life you wish you could do over or would emphatically do again, and let them help inform how you enter the next chapter in your life.

You are entering a pivotal time in your life in which you will encounter a much greater level of independence and personal responsibility. It is a sobering realization to find yourself solely in your life’s driver’s seat, but you have many willing, sometimes too willing, co-pilots. Be comforted by their support, but remember that it is your course to steer.

We often hear the labels and descriptions of GenX, GenY, and millennials. Most of the time, those describing are critical if not downright disparaging, and often they are remarkably uninformed. Here are some ways your generation differs from those before you. As a group, you report significantly higher levels of depression and anxiety, and you are generally less independent from your families in decision making. You are also less prone to bigotry and intolerance, and you are more committed to fairness and issues of social justice.

Some of those differences are of concern, but most of them are cause for optimism for our future. Let’s consider those differences and think about how you can best navigate them to your advantage.

Depression and Anxiety

Social media and delayed independence are two causes for some of these changes. Social media create unbridled opportunities for bullying, but the fear of missing out makes it hard to avoid. I had been on Facebook from the beginning, but a few months ago, I quit, and I am glad I did. The world around you is almost always more interesting than the phone in your hand. I’m not suggesting that you shun technology, but don’t miss out on the real world around you as a slave of media.

Brian Chen, the Personal Technology columnist for the New York Times recently wrote this about cancelling his Facebook account:

Over the 14 years that I used Facebook, I accrued about 500 friends. Most were former classmates whom I had lost touch with. In my real life, I have about 20 friends I talk to on a regular basis. So, when I finally deleted Facebook, the fallout was underwhelming.[1]

In the past 40 years, the average age when parents first let their children go someplace with a friend unsupervised has gone from 5 or 6 to 11 or 12. Those unchaperoned experiences create a lot of opportunities for conflicts and necessitate the need to resolve them without help. Resolving problems teaches us to become resilient, and nationwide, your generation has had far fewer opportunities to develop that resilience than any previous time.

As you enter what will be the most independent period you have yet experienced, remember that most problems you encounter are less significant than they feel at the moment. Stop and think through a problem objectively and consider the advice you would provide a friend at a similar intersection in their life. Thinking about a personal challenge from the outside always reduces its magnitude.

Decision Making

Over that the past 20 years, there has been a remarkable shift in how young adults engage their parents in decision making. I think part of it has to do with the ubiquity of cell-phone communication, but the students I work with now consistently consult their parents when they make decisions. This is fundamentally a good thing. Be careful to remember that you are ultimately responsible for the choices you make. Getting informed opinions is a smart way to make good decisions.

The great Swiss psychologist, Carl Jung, would have said I’m wrong. He wrote:

The great decisions of human life have as a rule far more to do with instincts and other mysterious unconscious factors than with conscious will and well-meaning reasonableness.[2]

You can still try to be rational. There are also plenty of moments when advice is neither timely nor available. That can be particularly challenging, because your brains are not finished developing. You have your full intellectual capacity, but your frontal cortex and the neural networks that send messages back and forth between it and the amygdala will still be under construction for another 7 or 8 years. The amygdala is where your fight and flight reactions occur. As those neural connections expand, so does our ability to temper immediate responses with rational judgement.

At 18, you are physically more likely to make bad spontaneous decisions than when you’re 25. Do you ever say to  yourself, “I should have known better?” Or ask, “Why did I do that?” Often, it’s because the less sophisticated part of your brain took off before the sophisticated part could send a message to the contrary over wiring that isn’t completely connected.

That’s why people say, stop and count to ten before you do something you might regret. Train yourselves to take a beat so the front and back of your brain have time to communicate. It is also important for you to know that those connections are especially susceptible to alcohol. Young adults are more physiologically inclined to have their judgement affected by alcohol than older adults. Older adults don’t fare a whole lot better, but being self-aware is an important part of avoiding bad decisions.

Tolerance and Inclusion/ Doing the Right Thing

In my role at Susquehanna, I regularly speak and write about citizen leadership. Every generation has bequeathed a collection of problems, often of their own making, to their children and their children’s children. My generation inherited the Cold War and legalized racism. Yours is inheriting global warming, anti-intellectualism, and the seeming death knell of civility. I’m sorry for that, but as I said earlier, your generation is the most inclusive in history and dedicated to social justice in inspiring ways. I am hopeful that you are up teaching us to be better.

The debate over global warming is an important lesson in how to be an informed citizen. First and foremost, it is no longer a topic for debate. There is a 97% consensus among peer-reviewed scientific research that human beings are causing global warming. The Academies of Science in over 80 countries agree, and yet every day, we still hear arguments instead of a unanimous call to action.

Look for the motivations of the speakers on both sides of a debate. If personal gain is aligned with one side and not the other, the side with nothing to gain usually has more merit. For example, years after medical research had identified the health threats associated with smoking, cigarette companies continued to advertise the benefits of their product citing studies they had funded for their own benefit.

There are many who suggest that climate has already become a lost cause, but I have seen students and faculty from my campus introduce precision conservation techniques to waterways throughout our region that have dramatically restored trout streams and lowered their temperatures in a short period of time. How can you advance environmental stewardship? This is your home, and you should want to protect it.

We are at an inflection point as a society in which values of pluralism and inclusion have come under attack in the media, in public discourse, and in politics. We use terms like tribalism, and you only need to turn on the news to hear messages of fear mongering and denigration. Populism is on the rise around the globe.

Your generation is by the far the most tolerant and supportive of difference in our nation’s history at a time when older generations are regressing. Please don’t let the loud voices of bigotry turn you in their direction. You have the ability to be advocates for what is right. To be successful requires an abundance of grace, which is a quality in desperately short supply these days.

It is difficult to resist an angry response when we observe ignorant and hateful behavior, but yelling at someone has rarely enlightened them. All too often it deepens their convictions.

I so often hear people use the term “politically correct” as a term of disparagement. Being sensitive to the feelings of others and moderating our behavior out of human respect is a very good and right thing. But often, we correct others in ways that hurt them. Telling people that they are ignorant, no matter how true it may be, is as hurtful as the behavior we are trying to correct.

Asking people why they feel the way they do or say the things they say is a better beginning, because it forces them to put a logical frame around an illogical picture. It also provides a chance for you to listen for any common ground. That can be a useful touch point as you share what you believe to be true and why. Small children are beautifully open to difference. We each learn our prejudices, which means we can unlearn them, but that will only be achieved by lifting up those with whom we disagree. As Martin Luther King, Jr. said,

Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.[3]

As scripture says,

Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.[4]

That is tough advice to take, which is why it is such a rare behavior. Imagine our world if it were common.

If you think about it, each of the issues I have addressed this evening is fundamentally about how we react to the world around us.

To provide the kind of leadership our world needs, will require courage and imagination, and it will require a generation collectively committed to making myriad incremental steps in the right direction. I have great confidence that you are up to the task. To succeed:

You will need to feed your passions and steer them with intellect. As you encounter obstacles and challenges, embrace them. As Helen Keller wrote:

… character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.[5]

Once you embrace your obstacles, work to understand them objectively and dissect them into solvable portions.

Be mindful that disappointments are just that, and never forget to learn everything you can from the moments that don’t go as you wished.

Celebrate each person for who they are, and be encouraged to live authentically.

Advocate for those who are afraid to speak for themselves.

Return hate with love, and never be afraid to do the right thing.

These thoughts have been focused on the future, but the best piece of advice I have for you is not to take the present for granted. At Susquehanna, our baccalaureate is focused on gratitude. Despite all the challenges that inhabit our world, we are surrounded by immeasurable good fortune.

There is a poem by James Agee I turn to frequently. In it, he wrote:

All my people are larger bodies than mine,
with voices gentle and meaningless
like the voices of sleeping bird.

One is an artist, he is living at home.
One is a musician, she is living at home.
One is my mother who is good to me.
One is my father who is good to me.
By some chance, here they are,
all on this earth.[6]

Every day, we are surrounded by people and events that deserve to be celebrated and treasured. As you take on the task of making our future better be sure to savor the many gifts that surround you at each moment. This is one of those moments. 

[1] NYT, 21 March 2019.

[2] Jung, Carl: Modern Man in Search of a Soul, 125.

[3] From King, Martin Luther, Strength to Love.

[4] Matthew, 5:44.

[5] Helen Keller’s Journal: 1936-1937, 60.

[6] James Agee, from A Death in the Family.

This entry was posted on May 30, 2019.

The Still Small Voice of Gratitude

Yesterday, Susquehanna celebrated its 161st commencement ceremony. I had the sublime privilege of conferring degrees on the University’s 525 newest graduates. This was my second year as the agent who confers the degree and therefore the person who hands the students their diplomas.

For fourteen years, as Provost/Dean at other institutions, I read the names of the graduates. I loved that job. I got to be the herald proclaiming each graduate’s entry into the company of learned people. I was proud of them, and I had the gleeful role of campus crier.

To my surprise I have discovered that my new role is even more rewarding. I get to watch each of their faces as they cross the stage. Some are nervous, some teary-eyed (so am I), some of them are humbled (so am I), some are ecstatic, most are clearly proud, and every one of them said “Thank you.”

At Susquehanna, the night before commencement, we hold a Baccalaureate that is different from any other so named event that I have attended. It is an occasion to formally gather with families and friends and give thanks. Selected students give reflections and readings. They give thanks for the experiences they have had, for the support of faculty and staff, and for the extraordinary opportunity to be in community with each other.

That event is followed by a grand party in the campus center attended by the impending graduates, their families (grandparents to baby nieces and nephews), faculty, and staff. Scores of our wonderful staff colleagues volunteer to help serve and bus hours after their regular shifts and not so many hours before they return to campus to support graduation.

At yesterday’s ceremony, I said, “We need Susquehanna graduates now more than ever. We need you to become voices for reason in your communities. We need you to be advocates for justice, for human dignity, and  for the breadth and depth of intellectual endeavors.”

We really do need them. These are young people who take nothing for granted. They recognize the sacrifices and privileges of their achievements, they are deeply committed to the welfare of others, and they have the self-awareness and dignity to be sincerely thankful.

As Thomas Gray wrote centuries ago:

Sweet is the breath of vernal shower,
The bee’s collected treasures sweet,
Sweet music’s melting fall, but sweeter yet
The still small voice of gratitude.[1]

It is sweet indeed.

Congratulations to the Class of 2019 and thank you!

[1] Thomas Gray: Ode for Music [1769], l. 61

This entry was posted on May 16, 2019.

Let’s Hope Cool Schools Will Reduce the Heat in Our Future

Global warming is real, and those who deny it are protecting short-term financial interests at the expense of the health of our planet for future generations.

This is no longer a topic for debate. There is a 97% consensus among peer-reviewed scientific research that human beings are causing global warming. The Academies of Science in over 80 countries concur.

The topic for discussion is what if anything can be done to slow and/or curb the alarming rate at which the earth’s temperatures are rising.

The work of our colleges and universities is to conduct research that develops strategies to improve what is becoming an ever-bleaker climatological future. In spite of some of the loudest voices refuting the truth of our current circumstances, progress is being made internationally and locally.

Britain, whose nineteenth-century factories were described by William Blake as “Dark Satanic Mills,” has just gone an entire week without using coal fires. This is true for the first time since 1882.

On our own shores, alternative energy sources are in the ascendancy. CNN reported that this April renewable energy would surpass coal in the U.S. for the first time since the industrial revolution.

In addition to research, higher education institutions have the opportunity to adopt and test best practices and model those choices for their students and surrounding communities. We have the ability to develop citizen leaders who are committed being responsible stewards of our finite natural resources.

The most provocative lessons can be derived from institutions that make bold and consequential improvements in how they source and conserve energy and how they reduce their carbon footprints.

In less than a decade, Susquehanna University went from being one of the Sierra Club’s vilified institutions that burned coal to one of its “Cool Schools.”

The University shut down its centralized coal-fired steam plant and shifted heating to building-specific, high-efficiency gas boilers. This not only greatly reduced pollution, but also eliminated tremendous energy losses. Some buildings are now using geothermal heating and cooling.

Last fall, Susquehanna began using a new solar field, the largest at any college or university in Pennsylvania, to produce approximately 30% of its electricity. This solar array was featured in an article in the current edition of enerG Alternative Sources Magazine. Even the lawn mowing around the solar array is responsibly being completed by a flock of sheep.

These improvements were all good business. The University will ultimately save money on energy costs. More importantly, these efforts are driven by our mission. Each new initiative helps us to prepare students to replicate and initiate similar efforts in the businesses and communities they will help lead after graduation.

Global warming is real, and I am thankful that we are preparing our students to lead efforts to improve our likelihood of a habitable future.

This entry was posted on May 8, 2019.