Our First Question

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21 Replies to “Our First Question”

  1. The SU community is filled with an extreme amount of liberal snowflakes who hate athletes and get offended by any and everything and make the smallest thing a huge problem for absolutely no reason

  2. The SU community is too focused on feelings, emotions, and acceptance. However, they make those who don’t “accept” or “believe” in the nonsense feel like outcasts. The community should be focusing on what really matters like our basic needs, education standards, and real equality.

  3. The SU community is (I believe) a lot of wealthier people. I am only here because i did well last year and earned a good scholarship, but the structure of the school is not very welcoming to lower-income students. The food is not good at all, but I cant afford to eat anywhere else. The school store is outrageous, and I’ve had to steal things that I genuinely need, because I can’t afford toothpaste for $7, or a tiny thing if chapstick for $3. I went to look if I could buy my mom a sweatshirt as a gift, and they’re $70. I’ve spent less in a full tank of gas. Politically, everyone is mostly liberal, but as a moderate who swings back and forth, I don’t feel like my more conservative stances are met aggressively. That said, if I don’t know someone well or have them in a class with political discussion, I won’t put my opinion out there. It happens naturally a lot, and I enjoy discussing my views with others even if I disagree. Opposition is not contempt. Most people are open minded to at least a conversation.

    1. I completely understand your frustration with the prices in the bookstore. To be honest, it rings of the old ‘company store’ run by the factory, the only store available, where most of a workers paycheck went back to the factory to buy their home needs. Believe it or not, those prices do not reflect the economic demographics of the student here.
      Speaking of which, the wealth displayed at SU is not at all like a ‘wealthy’ economic status. I have seen those colleges, and there are no students who show up driving anything less than a $45,000 car (and that is slumming it). In those schools, it is not just grades that get you in, it is looks, wealth and heritage – and I am talking about a liberal arts school, not Harvard or Princeton or other very top tiers.
      And sorry about your inability to have an intelligent discussion about your conservative leanings. You should not feel marginalized, especially if you are talking theory and not just partisan dogmatic anger. Do you have classes in the business school? I am told there are many pro-business, conservative students and instructors there. Clubs associated with that? GIve it a try – like-minded friends are a source of belonging to a community.

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