“Expert” Websites on Holocaust Denial

Amidst the numerous websites on Holocaust denial are sites that are created by an individual/organization with some kind of authority to speak on the topic. “Expert” websites on Holocaust denial often deny parts of the event, rather than claim that the whole thing was a hoax. The video on the Holocaust denial front page represents a Holocaust revisionist perspective. Typically, this perspective is promoted by individuals with an academic background. The audience attracted to “expert” websites on denial seek more analysis and interpretation to reject the Holocaust. This viewership is likely to be antisemitic and knowledgeable on larger events surrounding the Holocaust.

Who are the creators of “expert” websites on Holocaust denial?

  • Individuals with an advanced educated background such as professors or engineers
  • Individuals with expertise in a certain area that can be used to analyze the Holocaust
  • Individuals with a non-biased tone and approach to the presentation of their arguments

Why do these people create Holocaust denial websites?

  • To debate certain aspects of the Holocaust, such as the gas chambers or number of deaths
  • To confront discrepancies in data, facts, and documents
  • To challenge the history told by the victors of WWII

The “expert” websites on Holocaust denial are most often created by individuals with a strong academic background. For instance, the Institute for Historical Review is a site that debates specific historical events by individuals who have a masters degree or higher. Among the most contested topics is the Holocaust as many individuals contribute articles dedicated to challenging the validity of certain details. Furthermore, many “expert” websites are created to debate/deny certain aspects of the Holocaust because some believe the facts are not scrutinized by mainstream culture. Friedrich Paul Berg, a German American engineer, created nazigassings.com to deny the use of gas chambers to murder the Jews. This site provides an overwhelming amount of information and analysis on the use of gas chambers and other debated topics.

What is the integrity of “expert” Holocaust denial websites?

  • A mixture between medium and low integrity
  • Strongly biased, but typically not portrayed in a hostile tone
  • A majority have unorganized and overwhelming format, but a few use cleaner, more professional layouts.

The integrity of “expert” Holocaust denial websites is most often a mixture between low and medium quality. This image depicts the clean and professional format of one of the articles submitted to the Institute for Historical Review.


However, the site biblebelievers.org presents Holocaust denial in a more unorganized, overwhelming format.  This image portrays the basic layout of the site, similar to amateur denial sites.


Furthermore, biblebelievers.org represents a strong bias but does not express a hostile tone, like many amateur sites subscribe to.

Student analysis of websites about the Holocaust