Day: January 29, 2018

1: Multimodal Projects and Social Media

When I think about multimodal projects I often forget about social media, specifically my own social media. I have Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook but, as Okkerse addressed in their post, The Complexity of the Digital Text, I don’t think about how everything I post on there is a multimodal project that I went through the…

1: Some Pros of Digital Publishing

Traditional print publishing revolves around strict gatekeeping mechanisms that choose texts to be published based on the market. Many digital texts go through the same process, and are purchased through various digital devices. But as taylorjp mentioned, Digital Publishing encompasses much more than the digital texts, most often e-books, publishing houses supply for large brand…

1: Unseen Complexity

When we consider digital media, it’s easy to overlook the cultural and social contexts, and how much time publishers devote to framing the individual elements of the text. For example, I think of the attention to the color red on a stop sign, which catches the driver’s attention and signals the message’s urgency. On its…