The book trailer is a digital genre that developed from book covers and movie trailers, and is used as a form of visual advertisement for books. Professor Rasmus Grøn defines the book trailer as “based on a medial discrepancy, where a literary (i.e. written) source text is represented through an audiovisual transposition” (Grøn 91). Book trailers…
4) Beauty YouTube Videos – A Subgenere of YouTube Videos
As Vivian and Jordan talked about in their blog posts, I am writing my Digital Genre Wiki Entry on something that interests me – Beauty YouTube videos. When I started watching videos by the likes of Jaclyn Hill, emilynoel83, and Jessica Braun, I was in high school and just learning about beauty and makeup….
4: Recipe How-to Videos
For my genre project, I’ve been looking into recipe how-to videos (like Tasty or Tastemade). This type of video is a short, fast-motion demonstration of how to prepare a recipe. They are short—thirty to seventy seconds, usually—and are custom-made for Facebook’s auto-play feature, so that they begin to play as a viewer scrolls. The clear,…