It’s interesting to think about the fact that the word “genre” has evolved over the years. Originally, it comes from both of/either a French word for “a kind,” or the English word “gender,” according to’s origin feature. As Kerry Dirk says in the essay, Navigating Genres, the word genre “used to have a bad…
Genre’s Purpose

In the past, genre was simple and easy for me to define. It was nothing more than a word to represent categories for books: fiction, poetry, non-fiction, genre fiction, etc., and music: rock, pop, metal, country, etc. However true that definition may be, it does not even begin to cover the entirety of the meaning…
3. Blurred Lines of Genres

Just as Christina mentioned in her post, I previously associated the term ‘genre’ solely with categories for books and movies. This past week’s readings have redefined genre for me as a set of guidelines/expectations associated with and formed by the creation of repeated styles of content. In connection with the saying, “imitation is the best…
3: Genre – Between Reader and Writer

It’s one of the common questions in Creative Writing—what’s your genre? Without question, I answer fiction. When pressed, I might say realistic fiction, or novels, short stories—more rarely does the word genre get deliberation on what it means in itself. In the articles we have read recently, there have been a number of definitions offered,…
3: Genres and Their Purpose

Through my first semester here at Susquehanna my personal definition of what a genre is changed. Before I only thought of genres when it came to music, movies, and books. However, when I took the Writing and Thinking class with Dr. Roth he challenged my views on genres. Our first assignment was to write an…
What is Genre?

The term genre is broader than most people think it is. At least, it’s more than what I thought it was. When I heard the word genre growing up, I would think of a category, particularly for books and movies: comedy, horror, thriller, drama, etc. In Creative Writing, genre is something that is discussed a…
3: Genre’s Relationship With Time

My understanding of genre changed drastically since beginning this class. Before, I saw genre as a category under which different types of communication can be placed in order to help define them. I believed genre was nothing more than a set of guidelines that creators used to determine where their work would be most useful…
3. Defining Genre

Genre according to Writer Designer Genre is, “grouping certain text.” This is a very simple definition when thinking of genre, and as Jordyn and Vivian talk about in their posts, this definition would probably be interpreted as coming from genres associated with literature. In the past I would have thought of literature at the mention…
Genre! So much more than books!
I have to agree with many of my colleagues in saying that I had little understanding of genre in its complexity before the most common readings given for this class. My understanding consisted mainly of entertainment based genres in literature, music, and cinema with little understanding of its usefulness or existence in other fields such…
3. Wiki as a genre

Wikipedia has become staple in everyday looking-up of random knowledge that you just don’t remember. It’s an Internet encyclopedia that almost everyone has access to. As Vivian mentions in her blog post, the wiki genre came to be because people wanted a genre that was more collaborative and dynamic than passive. As a genre, I think…