Remix Pitches

Remix Pitches  


With all of my ideas, I am interested in projects that differ from the way that we talk about racism and the lived experiences of black people in America, especially on this campus. I want to highlight contradicting narratives that are being made on this campus, such as the fact that this is a “community” which is “tolerant” though swastikas appear routinely and inflammatory speakers are invited to come to campus.

The audience is anyone who is interested in engaging in dialogue about the affects of racism: that can be a person from all racial backgrounds and all genders.  

The media that I’d like to utilize would be video, maybe with audio playing over or with actual people talking.

  1. What I want to do most importantly is to rewrite or add more perspectives for President Green’s emails. I want to specifically do the email addressing “hate-mongering posters” and add to the events that he “won’t give the time to address”. I want to add hyper-links, annotations, and maybe a forwarded message from someone who wants to comment but feel unsafe.
  • It could be entitled ” The Full Email”
  1. I want to combine For Colored Girls and 4 Women by Nina Simone.  
  1. I want to recreate Invisible Man by Ralph Ellis-Dubois and-Frantz Fanon-and-Between The World and Me.