Circulation carries multiple meanings within the publishing industry. In my Small Press Publishing & Editing course last semester, I was taught that circulation refers to how widely a text was distributed. One way of measuring this was how many readers were subscribed to or purchased copies of a particular edition of a publication. According to…
8: Spreadability in the Publishing Industry
I was interested in the idea that Kes and several others have mentioned in their blog posts of “top-down” and “bottom-up” forces that impact the spreadability of a text, or its ability to be circulated (Jenkins et al 4). As a publishing and editing major, I was particularly interested in thinking about how these concepts of top-down and bottom-up forces…
8. Spreadability and Circulation of Internet Challenges
Something that’s been a consistent trend on the internet over the past few years has been social media user’s involvement in internet challenges. Before social media really picked up, I can remember kids in my middle school rubbing erasers into their skin while they said the ABC’s to see who would last the longest….
8: The Circulation and Spreadability of Booktube
I chose “Booktube,” or YouTubers who make videos and channels about books and the publishing industry, for this blog post because I think it is an interesting case of spreadability and participatory culture. Most Booktubers are regular people, usually in their late teens or early twenties, who love books and want to be part of…
Essays: Circulation and Spreadability
As I write essays, not the five by five nonfiction essays we are given in grade school, but the creative nonfiction essays I have been taught to write through practice and reading, I frequently find myself falling onto the question of audience. “Even if this gets published,” I think, “does anyone really read essays?” It’s…
8: Spreadability – WH Auden’s “September 1, 1939”
When I read Why Media Spreads, I thought of a particular example of spreadability that I learned about during a project in History of the Book last year. I did a hypertext site on WH Auden’s “September 1, 1939.” This poem, although published in October of 1939, spread widely after 9/11—it was passed through email…
8: Spreadability of Museums and Archives?
Today’s reading focused on the term “spreadability”. According to the authors, “spreadability” refers to any set of “technological resources” that make it easier for us to circulate content (Jenkins et al 4). From my understanding, this means that content with high spreadability would have the potential to reach more people, more easily. Another term that…
8: The Circulation, Delivery, and Spreadability of Video Games
Since I’ve just hit level six hundred in the popular video “Overwatch” I’m highly inclined to discuss the topic of video games. “Overwatch” is a team based first person shooter game released by Blizzard Entertainment back in 2016 and has won a ton of awards and will be the main example in this article….
The Circulation, Delivery and Spreadability of Spoken Word
Poetry is a form of written/literary work. It is constantly evolving and adapting in the modern world. Spoken word is a form of performance poetry. I have been interested in spoken word since I first found out what it was in high school. I sat in my Creative Writing II class and my teacher introduced…
8: The Circulation, Delivery, and Spreadability of Memes
When I first saw this blog prompt the first thing I thought of was memes. The definition of a meme is: “an amusing or interesting item (such as a captioned picture or video) or genre of items that is spread widely online especially through social media” (“Meme”). Keeping that in mind, I thought of “spreadability”,…