Like both Hannah Feustle and Taj Wilson mention, the first place I’ve heard of hypertext in context was when it was associated with Wikipedia. With that being said, however, I didn’t quite understand what exactly hypertext was (and I’m still a little rocky on what exactly it is). These articles, however, have done a pretty…
12: Hypertext: A Clickable World
Several people are talking about Wikipedia, including Taj and Hannah, and so I would like to take this time to talk about the Wikipedia game. This game is, of course, based on the wonder that is hypertext. This game is played best with friends, especially when each friend has a different computer or mobile device. First, a player…
12: Hypertext
When I think of hypertext, one of the first websites I think about is Wikipedia. Every time I visit the site, I find myself following an endless stream of hypertext links. When you look at almost any Wikipedia page, you’ll see numerous segments of text highlighted in blue, leading you to another wiki with information…
Hypertext – Wikipedia and More
I first heard of hypertext in the context of Wikipedia as a hypertext—it took me a while to understand the web itself as hypertext, which is maybe where I remain most confused—not all pages are interconnected, but I suppose they don’t have to be). But it makes sense to me in the context of Wikipedia—I’ve…
12: Hypertext
I never used to think much about hypertext. But then I started to produce digital media, causing me to realize the importance of hypertext. Hypertext has the “ability to link seamlessly billions of pages as if they were a single entity, a constantly evolving book.” It changes the way someone reads, enhancing the whole experience….