It’s the final frontier in that this is the last big project, then we are free from this horrifying digital publishing nightmare, and I can spend a summer curling up in my safe little world of print. No more hypertext for me!
For the upcoming portfolios, I have to give some credit to Tomcics. I gave a quick look over her blog and saw that she discussed having the portfolios, “function as a linear narrative of [her] progress in this course”. When thinking about portfolios, I can say for sure that narrative style was most definitely not on my mind, though I see why it may be useful, and am likely to agree with her, except for the fact that my course load has increased as the year has gone on and I have been giving less attention to these later projects out of mental necessity. Therefore I will likely put my portfolio together, if possible, in a non-chronological style, instead, choosing to put together the pieces in a way that best represents what I have learned in this class as opposed to the amount of work I have put in at any given time.
The Yancey article we read for today discusses some ways of thinking about electronic portfolios that I haven’t ever thought of before, for no other reason other than oversight as to an e-portfolio’s potential. I never thought of an e-portfolio as “everything from interviews with students to handwriting samples to episodes of jumping rope and reading – that isn’t possible otherwise”. I had always simply thought of an electronic portfolio, as Yancey admits many of her students do, as an electronic version of the print portfolio rather than as something all its own capable of holding other information, such as electronically commented editing pages, audio or visual of readings and q and a sessions, or even audiobook versions of texts for authors. I’m interested in authors of course, because I would like to be one someday.
I hope to create a portfolio that communicates my understanding of the concepts covered throughout the class, and my ability to create works that fit said topics. Hopefully my portfolio shows a diversity of ideas and content, from my wiki entry to the remix to my transmedia project, as well as some blog posts that properly display the variation of content I am capable of creating online. Honestly, my goal is to get a passing grade on the portfolio, so my mind is not actually on figuring out what the parameters should be, but bracing myself for my unpreparedness for the parameters at large. That said, I started the year off pretty strong and I plan to end it off strong, but with a bit more zen, so here are some pictures of baby bats that bring me much zen.