I would give this class two thumbs up, and a solid 9.5 out of 10, because there is always room for improvement. When I first came to Dr. Lang’s Digital Publishing class, I didn’t expect much because as I stated multiple times, I believe myself to be digitally illiterate. That said, I did expect some theoretical talk about digital spaces and a few projects that would require me to familiarize myself with different types of digital writing and publishing. Based on it being an English course, I didn’t expect the amount of video and other multimodal and multimedia projects we would engage with viewing and creating. I would say that the class has met my expectations and gone above and beyond in helping me to understand digital publishing both in practice and in a theoretical academic sense, especially compared to where I came from thought-wise about such topics. I think my biggest takeaway is related to accessibility. Before entering this classroom I never thought about the usefulness of a website or digital space in reference to individuals with disability and a websites’ ability or inability to accommodate these people. Alternative text isn’t even something I knew existed. Now it’s something I’m adding to every picture on the new FUSE national website that will go up in the Fall semester. If I could change one thing it would be the order of the projects and the amount of time between when we received the assignment sheet and the due date. I would put the projects in order of: wiki, transmedia, remix with a lot more blog posts towards the beginning of the semester, and a trickling out at the end to leave more time for finishing up larger projects. I don’t know how well that would actually work in practice.