It really is amazing to see how far we have come with technology and how we as humans learn and adapt to it. During the reading the word that resonated with me was “Multimodal” the ability to use images and texts to make a point. The ability of the internet really allows students, well everyone to learn using any of the seven learning styles as well as allow people to fully understand what an article or video is about. We can also use Multimodal for virtually anything, the text gave an example using internet memes however I was able to connect Multimodal with learning about what is going on in the world. In the text we read, “Multimodal projects are fun! But they’re not just fun. They’re useful and flexible and timely”(5). This quotation then made me think about the fact that not everything we see on the internet is funny the internet can be a scary place because, anything can be posted without any disregard to the public like, the racist H&M ad or the Logan Paul filming a suicide victim controversy. We have these companies and people with huge followings that create content for everyone to see and at first there is backlash but a common theme I notice is that children just don’t care about certain controversy which makes sense because their children. But then that leaves us with a few questions like, who at the end of the day is responsible for what our children see and how can we protect them when we have guys like Logan Paul creating this content for his audience of mostly children. The internet is a hilarious place to be but it is also so very dangerous especially with everything that is going on right now, the internet is also a permanent place nothing is ever truly gone anymore and I don’t think these newer generations really grasp that concept.
Logan Paul’s reaction to what he had found
The Logan Paul video where he showed a suicide victim was on youtube’s trending page for half a day and had 6.2 million views before being taken down by youtube
The racist H&M ad has cause cause a huge uproar causing a store to be completely wrecked. H&M has issued an apology.
works cited:
Arola, Kristin L., et al. Writer/Designer: A Guide to Making Multimodal Projects. Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2014.