Category: Uncategorized

4: Book Trailers as a Digital Genre

The book trailer is a digital genre that developed from book covers and movie trailers, and is used as a form of visual advertisement for books. Professor Rasmus Grøn defines the book trailer as “based on a medial discrepancy, where a literary (i.e. written) source text is represented through an audiovisual transposition” (Grøn 91). Book trailers…

4) Beauty YouTube Videos – A Subgenere of YouTube Videos

  As Vivian and Jordan talked about in their blog posts, I am writing my Digital Genre Wiki Entry on something that interests me – Beauty YouTube videos. When I started watching videos by the likes of Jaclyn Hill, emilynoel83, and Jessica Braun, I was in high school and just learning about beauty and makeup….

4: Recipe How-to Videos

For my genre project, I’ve been looking into recipe how-to videos (like Tasty or Tastemade). This type of video is a short, fast-motion demonstration of how to prepare a recipe. They are short—thirty to seventy seconds, usually—and are custom-made for Facebook’s auto-play feature, so that they begin to play as a viewer scrolls. The clear,…

4: Children’s E-books as a Genre

The digital genre I chose was children’s e-books. Children’s e-books are just like regular e-books because they display print, have pages, a table of contents, etc. However, their difference is they contain elaborate, colorful pictures and sometimes are accompanied by games, audio features, and sometimes animation. What makes this genre interesting to me is its links to…

4. Hypertext Poetry

The genre I chose is hypertext poetry. Hypertext Poetry is part of the larger genre digital poetry. What I have found so far, partially on one of the sources Dr. Lang provided us, is that that the format of a hypertext poem is set up using links from words and lines, always from the primary…

4: Serialized Webcomics

For my genre project I am looking at serialized webcomics, a genre that includes webcomics that tell a story through several installments of comic pages. Serialized webcomics are an interesting genre because they take aspects of the comic and adapt them for digital spaces. I decided to research this genre for my topic because I…

4) The Digital Mystery Genre Is Not A Mystery

For a long time, I loved to read mystery novels, specifically murder mystery novels, and have found myself heading straight for the mystery section of Barnes and Nobel during every visit. For my Digital Genre Profile I chose to expand my love for this genre and to challenge myself to discover a new genre from…

4: Memes as a Digital Genre

I am writing my digital genre wiki on Internet memes. While sites like Wikipedia define Internet memes very broadly as images, hyperlinks, plain text, etc., I want to focus my discussion primarily to image/text-based memes, such as the one below, found on sites like iFunny. These memes, as well as memes more broadly, can be…

3: Wikipedia as a Modern Genre

Wikipedia Logo

I very much enjoy the idea of referring to or categorizing a text into a genre using its intended and received purpose, rather than it’s form or style, as mentioned in Myers’ article. This is, in part, an aspect of the definition of genre anyway, but I enjoy the emphasis on intent and reception, which…

3: Genres as creating community

A genre is a form of communication that arises in response to a particular rhetorical situation. In “What is a blog? What is a wiki?” Greg Myers defines genre as “types of texts that share certain features because their users share certain purposes” (15) and notes that genres appear and disappear in response to the needs of…