I am writing my digital genre wiki on Internet memes. While sites like Wikipedia define Internet memes very broadly as images, hyperlinks, plain text, etc., I want to focus my discussion primarily to image/text-based memes, such as the one below, found on sites like iFunny. These memes, as well as memes more broadly, can be…
3. Wiki as a genre
Wikipedia has become staple in everyday looking-up of random knowledge that you just don’t remember. It’s an Internet encyclopedia that almost everyone has access to. As Vivian mentions in her blog post, the wiki genre came to be because people wanted a genre that was more collaborative and dynamic than passive. As a genre, I think…
3: Defining Genre as a Social Construct
Genre is a method of communication that comes about as a result of a particular rhetorical situation located in a specific place in time and setting. This was not always genre’s definition, and it is still not the accepted definition within certain academic circles. In “Generalizing about Genre,” Amy Devitt explains the problems in the…
3) Genre as Goal-Driven Communication
Genre is a purposeful, goal-driven way of communicating. A genre first arises around a rhetorical situation, responding to a particular exigence (or issue). In “Generalizing about Genre,” Amy Devitt writes, “Genres develop, then, because they respond appropriately to situations that writers encounter repeatedly. In principle, that is, writers first respond in fitting ways and hence…
1: Gaming: a Possible Future for Multimedia Education and Study
Like Ashleigh, I take a great interest in the ways in which multimedia learning can change the classroom and help students. Ashleigh stated in her post that she believes “differentiation of content presentation format and response method is key for supporting a classroom of diverse learners” through all ages of education. Now, education is not…
1: Education & Digital Publishing
Digital publishing is an advancement in today’s society. Although I prefer the comfort and feel of a printed book and being able to physically flip the pages (I think it’s because staring at a screen for long periods of time causes my eyes to hurt), I can understand and appreciate the progression that digital publishing…
1: The Complexity of the Digital Text
Something that particularly interested me about our readings is the unseen complexity involved in digital publishing. In particular, digital publishing does not simply refer to posting words and/or images to the Internet, but there is complex communication and social and cultural exchanges among even the most basic digitally published material. For example, we don’t typically…