Going into the class, I expected the class to be more about the history of digital publishing or what constitutes digital publishing. I did not expect the class to place as much focus on the creation of my own digital media. I was hoping, going into this class, that it would provide me with some…
13. E-Portofolio

It wasn’t until I read Vivian’s post that I realized how complicated making my portfolio would be. Kathleen Nancy goes into the complexity of electronic portfolios and how they can differ from traditional printed portfolios, which are more straight forward. After reading this I thought it was obvious what I was going to include in…
13: E-Portfolio

I am interested to see how creating an e-portfolio will work for me, as I am not a huge fan of publishing my work digitally to begin with. I do think it will benefit me to have a digital space to keep all of my work though, so I am going into this process with…