I think most of us would agree that hypertext definitely changes the way that a text is read. A digital text is very different from a physical text, and I’ve found in my experience that I tend more toward “browsing” or “hunting” rather than grazing when it comes to a digital text (Vandendorpe 205). I…
11. Algorithmic Audiences
Much like my fellow classmates I only experienced algorithmic audiences through social media. When I hear the word algorithmic I think of algorithm which then leads me to thinking about how terrible the current youtube algorithm is. Right now the youtube algorithm is dubbed as the “adpocalypse”. I found out by reading this post that…
11: Finding Your (Algo)Rhythm
Before reading Gallagher’s article, I had mostly heard about algorithms in regards to YouTube, since I know a lot of friends and content creators who worry about visibility on the site. I’d always wondered how small creators ended up in my “suggested videos” feed, but if factors like “uploading videos with consistent content” (Gallagher 27)…
Pitch Perfect
For this project I’m basically making myself a meme. I going to recreate my “greatest hits” via video form however the video will stop and provide options when a decision is going to be made on what to say or do to give the audience a chance to guess what happens next. kind of like…
9. My remix project
At the time of writing this my project is already done below is the video. What texts did you remix? I remixed songs which included: I’m Yours by Jason Mraz, Hey Soul Sister by Train, Paparazzi by Lady Gaga, Complicated by Avril Lavigne, Where is the Love by the Black Eyed Peas, and Nothing on…
9: The Life of the Tattooed (Remix)
For my remix, I found a text on The Public Domain Review titled “The Life of James F. O’Connell the Tattooed Man”. The text was an autobiographical account of O’Connell’s travels before he joined P.T. Barnum’s freak show in the 1800s; I decided to make an erasure poem that made it a bit more eerie. The…
10: Transmedia: Hasbro’s Success and Failure
The My Little Pony franchise is one of Hasbro’s biggest moneymakers next to Transformers. Primarily a toy company, Hasbro started using TV shows to market its toys in the 80’s, with great results. The shows brought the toys to the attention of the children, who wanted to continue the adventures after the show ended. The…
10: YouTubers and Transmedia Storytelling
When I think of transmedia franchises, the first things that come to mind are Disney franchises such as the princesses or Star Wars, or video game franchises such as Resident Evil or Halo. However, I’m not a huge fan of any of those things, so I want to offer a new take on transmedia storytelling…
8: The Circulation, Delivery, and Spreability of Compilation Videos
My personal career goal is to become a writer for movies and television, but honestly, I’ll settle for anything visual media related. This is what inspired my ideas for my second digital media-based project. For my remix project, I’ve deceived to create a compilation video using clips from television shows, movies and interviews focused on…
6: Creative Commons Pros and Cons
Creative Commons is an organization dedicated to allowing people to freely share their creative works with the public in order to be shared and built upon. In response to copyright, which says that “all rights [are] reserved” in a creative work, Creative Commons’ goal is to allow increased sharing through having only “some rights reserved”…