For todays blog post I will be discussing remix in the style of modern hip hop music more specifically Nicki Minaj’s song Anaconda. Anaconda was released back in 2014 and remixes components from the infamous song by Sir Mix-A-lot Baby got back while still adding her own remix to it. As soon as the soon begins…
Copyright: A War on Ekphrasticism?
I regret heavily the fact that I waiting so long to write this blog post, because it means that what I wanted to write about was stolen by Christina Joell; and for copyright reasons, I didn’t want to remix her blog post. See what I did there? That said, Todrick Hall is awesome and I…
5: Fake Movie Trailers

Looks like I’m hopping on the YouTube train with Vivian and Taj. The other day, I saw this video in my YouTube recommendations: I’m not sure why YouTube recommended this to me, exactly. Okay, no, wait—I’m pretty sure it’s because I spend unholy amounts of time watching Miley Cyrus videos and replaying my favorite clips…
CrashCourse and Literary Remixes

Much like Hannah Feustle, I was reminded while reading Framing Remix Rhetorically of a video that I watched in one of my high school English classes—a CrashCourse video discussing Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. “We are just trying to create educational content in the hopes that it will be useful to people” John Green…
5: Pop Danthology, Remixing, and Copyright Culture

One of my favorite examples of remix for some time now has been the remixing of popular songs to create a mashup of the songs. Particularly, I have been watching YouTuber Daniel Kim’s “Pop Danthology” videos since the first one was created in 2010. Kim mixed between 50-90 pop songs that became popular in a…
Do It Yourself!
While I have not had extensive time to work on my Digital Genre Wiki, I am trying my very best! That said, my genre is the DIY in all its glory. Whether its bath bombs or home improvement, the DIY has taken the internet by storm and needs to be treated as a genre same as…
4: Point and Click Horror Games

For this assignment, I’m investigating point and click games, specifically horror ones. These games vary in their ambition and quality, since most these days are indie games available in places like Steam. They’re also heavily exploration-based—after all, the only thing players can really do is “point” and “click” on their computer screen—though there are plenty…
4) Beauty YouTube Videos – A Subgenere of YouTube Videos

As Vivian and Jordan talked about in their blog posts, I am writing my Digital Genre Wiki Entry on something that interests me – Beauty YouTube videos. When I started watching videos by the likes of Jaclyn Hill, emilynoel83, and Jessica Braun, I was in high school and just learning about beauty and makeup….
3: The intersectionality of Genre and Individual Pieces
I’m going to be honest and admit that I did in fact mess up my last blog post by using the wrong prompt. So bare with me as I once again talk cover the wonderful world of Genre one more time. In my last blog post I talked about the history of japan and how…
3. Blurred Lines of Genres

Just as Christina mentioned in her post, I previously associated the term ‘genre’ solely with categories for books and movies. This past week’s readings have redefined genre for me as a set of guidelines/expectations associated with and formed by the creation of repeated styles of content. In connection with the saying, “imitation is the best…