2: Her Campus Website Design Analysis

As current president of Susquehanna University’s Her Campus chapter and previous senior editor, I’ve logged many hours creating and exploring content on hercampus.com. This online website is similar to Buzzfeed in both design and text content, however, Her Campus specifically targets incoming, current, and recently graduated college women with their content tailored to this audience. There is a full-time national writing staff as well as a platform and support system for college students to organize chapters and write weekly articles.

The menu bar includes permanent drop-down menus (Campuses, Sections, Resources, Jobs and Shop) as well as linked featured topic pages (currently: The Bachelor, Valentine’s and Student Leadership.) Below the menu bar on the home page, featured articles are displayed with the most recent article appearing largest. A banner with a sign-up box for their subscription letter separates the featured articles from a series of article galleries (Most Recent, Most Read and Buzzworthy.) At the bottom of the home page, all of the article sections are listed with 3 featured article titles each. Along the left side of the page, an editor’s note advertises writer applications and hyperlinked social media icons. There is also a list of the current trending articles from campus chapter’s writers and a log in box for writers.

The graphic design is pretty simple. TheĀ white background allows the eye of the viewer to be drawn directly to the photos that accompany article titles. Hot pink is the only accent color which reinforces their female-focused branding.

There is a repeated ad for the Wall Street Journal that appears 4 times on the home page (the bottom banner is not pictured.) This is distracting because it disrupts the clean layout of the site with blocks of bright orange.

Bertrand stated in their post “2: The Meaning Behind Buzzfeed’s Design” that Buzzfeed’s layout encourages people to read multiple articles with each visit to the site. Her Campus follows this same idea to an even greater end by fitting more article titles into the same amount of screen space. Whereas Buzzfeed’s featured articles are formatted as banners stacked on top of one another, Her Campus uses smaller images, text, and layout options so that the viewer will see all 5 feature article titles without having to scroll.

Final word count: 376