7: Remix/Recirculate Idea…



My idea for this second project is to make a complicated video/gif project. I want to take a poem, make an erasure poem from that, make video representations of the original and the erasure poem, and take those videos and make gifs from them. The video representations will hopefully be different enough that I can also play with genre with the gifs, mixing the video representations and the lines of the poems. (I hope this makes sense!) I will also probably make a wix website to house the poems, the videos, and the gifs – that way everything will be in one place and easy to view. It can also link to other platforms I guess…

My audience for this project, I’m thinking more broadly, are video-inclined/millennials, or people who know how to use the social medias to access the gifs (which I’m picturing will be on Tumblr or something). This would also (hopefully) appeal to poetry lovers and fans of the poet whose poem I am using.

I can anticipate using all five different modes (visual, aural, gestural, linguistic, and spatial), and the media I anticipate needing/using are and video (YouTube and Adobe Premiere Pro), text (poems and over the videos and gifs), and gifs (Giphy and Adobe After Effects).


Now, I’m at the stage of looking at poems, and once I have a poem selected, I can start by making multiple erasure poems until I create one that I really like/want to work with, then plan out what visuals/videos I want for the videos and gifs.