For my transmedia project, I want to remix three texts that I created during my GO Short New Zealand trip this past winter: pictures, my journal, and a Spotify playlist. I want to make a WordPress or Tumblr blog of my journal entries and reference specific places, which I would post pictures of on an Instagram account dedicated to my pictures from the trip. Finally, one of my journal entries would reference my Spotify playlist that I created for the trip, which I would edit and include for my third text in the project. I would use visual and aural modes and social media, a music streaming site, and a blog to reach my audience.
The purpose of this project would be to entertain and inform about my trip to New Zealand and about my life in general, in short, to tell a story about my life experiences. I think that these would be good interconnected texts that demonstrate successful transmedia storytelling. My audience would be people interested in travel and people interested in young adult/college life and problems.
To compose this project, I will basically just need Spotify, Instagram, and either WordPress or Tumblr, and the technological knowledge to know how to navigate these sites. I would allow my audience to access each by including a link to my blog on my Instagram account and vice versa, and by hyperlinking the Spotify playlist within my journal entry which discusses it. Because these sites have their own apps, my project is not platform dependent, but rather, it can be viewed on nearly all devices.
Some feedback that I can incorporate into my project is changing my journal entries somewhat so as to make them more fictionalized and less personal so that I don’t feel weird posting them online with the possibility of other people seeing them. I still want the journals to reflect myself and my real experiences, but I might change some things so that I feel more comfortable (or just change my name and the names of my classmates so that, to most people, I and my classmates remain anonymous).