Our final project is an e-portfolio, and I have to say that I like this idea. To me, an e-portfolio sounds a lot easier than a strictly print portfolio because all my work will be in one place. Now I know that’s not all an e-portfolio is, especially after reading Portfolio, Electronic, and the Links Between by Kathleen Yancey, but I’m happy it’s a factor. I’m hoping to use this portfolio in the future to host all the work I’m sure to develop throughout my years at Susquehanna.
Yancey defines a portfolio as a “metatext with seven defining features” (130) and of those features, I find “collection”, “reflection”, “development”, and “diversity” to be the most important. A portfolio should be a collection of your work with a reflection from you, the creator. It should show development throughout your work and include a diverse amount of works. I’d like to keep all these features in mind as I create my own portfolio.
For my portfolio, I’d like to include my remix project and my transmedia project as well as some of my better blog posts. I think the combination of all these will show diversity in my work and show my development as a composer of digital content. I’m not sure whether or not showing the internet my meme creating skills is a good thing or not, but that’s what’s happening. I guess I have to think about the perspective of the viewer, they’ll see I have the ability to create a funny meme and also create a professional website or blog post. I think my reflection will play a large part of my e-portfolio since it’ll explain my thought process in creating these texts, and give a better look into the progress I made in this class. When it comes to hypertext, I think it will play a large part in my portfolio since Yancey explains that a portfolio is a type of hypertext (130). Hypertext was also a part of both my projects, as a navigational tool, so it will obviously be a part of my portfolio in the same way.
Word Count: 350
Yancey, Kathleen Blake. “Portfolio, Electronic, and the Links Between.” Computers and Composition, 1996, p. 129-133.