When my sister and I were little, and we weren’t lapping up the kind of Disney Princess merchandise that Emily described, we loved the worlds created by American Girl (I provide the link here but it may be worth noting that I’m talking about the American Girl of about 2005, which was a different place…
9: My Remix!
Here’s the link! https://drive.google.com/open?id=198TezDWEWrJzx8vVMRpfK0MNnRfGugor&usp=sharing For my remix, I used photos and travel notes from my study abroad last year to create a travel writing essay broken up with points on a map. I used these texts because when I’ve tried to share study abroad stories, place has been important—I thought if I label the areas…
9: My Remix
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kVWmRjd4T6Y8jnqVFjAdWvYecYiFOajt/view?usp=sharing My remix is a video that includes several clips from BBC’s programs, layered under clipped and rearranged commentary and sound effects from the Rio summer games of 2016, among other sports competitions. The humor is created by the way in which I combined the seriousness of the tone of sports casting together with cute…
10: Transmedia Storytelling and Theme Park Rides
One thing that immediately stood out to me in the reading was the mention of theme park rides being an example of lending to transmedia storytelling. “The media mix strategy disperses content across broadcast media, portable technologies such as game boys or cell phones, collectibles, and location-based entertainment centers from amusement parks to game arcades” (Jenkins 110). Entire theme parks…
10: Transmedia: Hasbro’s Success and Failure
The My Little Pony franchise is one of Hasbro’s biggest moneymakers next to Transformers. Primarily a toy company, Hasbro started using TV shows to market its toys in the 80’s, with great results. The shows brought the toys to the attention of the children, who wanted to continue the adventures after the show ended. The…
10: Transmedia Storytelling – Disney
We all know Disney: it is perhaps the biggest and most successful children’s entertainment franchise in the world. Some of us love it, and others think its a monumental brainwashing tool for children and adults alike. However you feel about it, Disney’s use of multiple media has transformed the way people view Disney stories. Take…
9. My Remix
https://sites.google.com/view/dividedremix/home I remixed my short short from last semester called “Divided”, which portrays a scene between the narrator and her conflict with what she perceives to be her self-reflection. My remix includes the original text with additional hypertext fiction features including images, extended text, and a few subtle animations. The purpose of the remix was…
10: Transmedia Storytelling in Podcasts
One of the first things that came to mind when thinking about transmedia storytelling was podcasts. While there are podcasts that are entirely self-contained, there are many that expand the conversation or narrative to other platforms or media. The podcasts themselves are often created in order to expand an already existing franchise; many YouTubers, authors, and celebrities now have their own podcasts….
9: Remix Project
My remix project can be viewed at https://carolinehmiller.wixsite.com/poetryremix For this project, I chose to remix several of my own poems into an annotated hypertext format that would allow readers to view the media that had influenced me while writing each poem along with notes on my writing process. It was aimed at a hypothetical audience…
10) Peg + Cat
One franchise that has recently (2013) started using transmedia techniques is PBS Kids. PBS Kids is one channel for children’s television programming, which has a high focus on education within their kids’ shows. One PBS Kids show in particular, Peg + Cat, is a math series aimed at preschool kids, and has lots of integrated…