Category: Uncategorized

10: Transmedia Storytelling in Podcasts

One of the first things that came to mind when thinking about transmedia storytelling was podcasts. While there are podcasts that are entirely self-contained, there are many that expand the conversation or narrative to other platforms or media. The podcasts themselves are often created in order to expand an already existing franchise; many YouTubers, authors, and celebrities now have their own podcasts….

9: Remix Project

My remix project can be viewed at For this project, I chose to remix several of my own poems into an annotated hypertext format that would allow readers to view the media that had influenced me while writing each poem along with notes on my writing process. It was aimed at a hypothetical audience…

10) Peg + Cat

One franchise that has recently (2013) started using transmedia techniques is PBS Kids. PBS Kids is one channel for children’s television programming, which has a high focus on education within their kids’ shows. One PBS Kids show in particular, Peg + Cat, is a math series aimed at preschool kids, and has lots of integrated…

10: Transmedia Storytelling – Marvel

One franchise that I believe takes transmedia storytelling and uses it to its advantage is Marvel. The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) ranges from many feature films to television series to comic books and web series. The universe was created with 2008’s Iron Man and has been growing consistently ever since. In “Searching for the Origami Unicorn,…

10) Transmedia Storytelling: The Walking Dead

Though I don’t know much about “The Walking Dead” (yes I know, I am one of the few people who don’t watch it (but plan to eventually)) I do know that it is a very big franchise that has expanded over multiple media elements. According to Wikipedia, “the Walking Dead is an American post-apocalyptic horror…

9) My Remix Project

For my remix, I created an interactive hypertext version of Molly McCully Brown’s collection of poems, The Virginia State Colony for Epileptics and Feebleminded, choosing bits of writing from the collection and mapping them onto a map of the Virginia State Colony. I chose this text because it is hauntingly beautiful, and as I read it for my…

10: YouTubers and Transmedia Storytelling

When I think of transmedia franchises, the first things that come to mind are Disney franchises such as the princesses or Star Wars, or video game franchises such as Resident Evil or Halo. However, I’m not a huge fan of any of those things, so I want to offer a new take on transmedia storytelling…

My Remix Project: A Thread

The text I remixed was a story I wrote entitled “My Side.” The short story is told through both perspectives of a high school couple named Jesse and Veronica. The story is about Jesse discovering that Veronica was cheating on him. It flips back and forth between the two characters – both explaining their side…

9: My remix!

Annabel Lee Remix For this remix project, I remixed “Annabel Lee” by Edgar Allen Poe. I initially made an erasure poem all about love, then made a video representation of the erasure poem, then added music and a voice over of the original poem to the video. I originally chose this text because I had…

9: My Remix I remixed the Destination Earth oil ad and several stock videos of nature and urban animals. The Destination Earth ad is an old ad for the oil industry. It advocates competition in business everywhere, not just oil. The stock videos all show scenes of natural beauty. The last few show urban animals. The…