When I first signed up for digital publishing, I had absolutely no idea what it would be about. I had originally thought that the class would be focused on teaching us HTML and different coding in order to actually publish our own content on a site we create (I have no idea why; that’s just…
15: The Final Post..
Reflection: What were you expecting? (Learning, goals, outcomes) I was expecting to learn about digital publishing, but more particularly about social media. I figured there would be some theoretical background work and that we would be creating our own digital work, but I guess I was thinking more “modern” than we went… How we met…
I wasn’t really sure what to expect coming into this class. The survey Dr. Lang sent out before class began gave me the impression we would be learning about the aesthetics of and functional skills needed to produce online content and media. My expectations were more than met. There was fantastic discourse on how digital…
13. E-Portfolio

An e-portfolio has been something that has come up a lot recently as I have been searching for jobs. There is always a section in the application that says: link to portfolio. I do not have a portfolio of my work, but if I did, I would want it to be compiled of the work…
13. E-Portfolio
For my portfolio, like a few others have mentioned, I wasn’t really sure how related any of my projects were to be able to tie them together into a portfolio. After giving it a little thought, I think two thing that would definitely be able to work well together are my digital remix and the…
Portfolios, the Final Frontier
It’s the final frontier in that this is the last big project, then we are free from this horrifying digital publishing nightmare, and I can spend a summer curling up in my safe little world of print. No more hypertext for me! For the upcoming portfolios, I have to give some credit to Tomcics. I…
13: Portfolios

I have never created an e-portfolio before and I think Kathleen Blake Yancey’s article helped me start considering what one would look like and how I could go about creating one. I will include all three of my major projects in the portfolio (the digital genre profile, the remix project, and the transmedia project). I…
The final project for this class is an e-portfolio. Initially, I was pretty sure I was sure what an e-portfolio was and what work it entailed. I have assembled portfolio’s for three workshop classes before this class, so I feel like I’m pretty prepared to assemble this e-portfolio. Kathleen Yancey defines a portfolio as…
13: Portfolio As Progress

I think my portfolio would specifically need to focus on the aspects of reflection and development. I have had many specific struggles with the major assignments for this course, partially due to my lack of base knowledge in the field of publishing and editing, and thus the major thing I would like to highlight is…
13. Digital Portfolio

For my portfolio I will most likely be including my dating simulator knowledge since I’m known for that. I will also like to included my music medley since I work pretty hard on that one and this last project has been a lot of fun. As for text to be included in my portfolio I’m…