Before reading this article, I had a somewhat negative view of algorithms. For me personally, when I think about algorithms, I think of how awful everyone thinks Instagram’s is. While the algorithms mentioned in Gallagher’s article are obviously very helpful and useful for marketing, I do think that this is something a lot of people…
11) Writers as Producers

In the current digital age, writer and producer roles are no longer separate. As John Gallagher says in “Writing for Algorithmic Audiences,” writers are now acting as content producers, “circulating content on various social media platforms, monitoring website analytics, curating metadata, managing comments, and recirculating older writing to new venues” (25). As such, it’s never…
11: Algorithmic Audiences

How can we, as writers/publishers, start thinking about audiences not only as people we want to read/view our text, but also as the end to steps of algorithmic processes (or, how do we break down how our audience sees our work into a more straightforward-forward way? I’m not sure if this questions makes sense…) Is…
11: Finding Your (Algo)Rhythm

Before reading Gallagher’s article, I had mostly heard about algorithms in regards to YouTube, since I know a lot of friends and content creators who worry about visibility on the site. I’d always wondered how small creators ended up in my “suggested videos” feed, but if factors like “uploading videos with consistent content” (Gallagher 27)…
11: Considering Algorithm as an Audience

Gallagher argues that writers may often need to change their writing style and the language they want to use in order to cater to algorithms. Do you think writers necessarily need to sacrifice their use of language and the ideas they want to get across, potentially alienating real audience members, in order to cater to…
11) Algorithms: Finding my Algorithmic Audience

Questions: When considering an audience, which do you think is more important: considering the various people interested in the ‘project’, such as students, faculty, the media, or community members, or focusing on ways to increase the circulation by focusing on how users find the ‘project’? If both are equally important, why? Of the three theories…
The Pitch: My Transmedia Package

For my transmedia package project, I would like to use a silent horror film I’m currently working on as the jumping off point for my expansion. My horror film is focused on a cursed item and how to get rid of a curse and or stop demons from taking over control of your body. Most…
Transmedia Pitch
Let’s Really Talk Since we returned to school this semester, I had a desire to document my last days here at Susquehanna. America is in a unique time where we have the language to discuss socio-political issues, yet the post-racial and liberal rhetoric minimizes and offends the problems of the marginalized. This transmedia project would give…
My Pitch
So I’m not sure exactly what I want to do but one idea I have is to use a short story I wrote last semester called “Endurance”, which goes back and forth between two time periods in running and hockey scenes. I have some ideas as to make this a transmedia storytelling but nothing is…
Bonus Round: Transmedia Project Pitch

The purpose of my project is to contribute to the sociopolitical dialogue on an issue I am personally very passionate about. It is also to help inform youth on the topic and on how they can get involved, and to help show the professional adult public how passionate we are about this topic and how…