John Gallagher introduces the concept of writing for algorithmic audiences, which he argues is really writing for algorithmic procedures (Gallagher 25). However, I think a more clarified explanation this would be writing for the algorithms that your audience is most likely to interact with. For example, content created specifically for teachers should have keywords like…
11: Algorithmic Audiences
How can we, as writers/publishers, start thinking about audiences not only as people we want to read/view our text, but also as the end to steps of algorithmic processes (or, how do we break down how our audience sees our work into a more straightforward-forward way? I’m not sure if this questions makes sense…) Is…
11: Finding Your (Algo)Rhythm
Before reading Gallagher’s article, I had mostly heard about algorithms in regards to YouTube, since I know a lot of friends and content creators who worry about visibility on the site. I’d always wondered how small creators ended up in my “suggested videos” feed, but if factors like “uploading videos with consistent content” (Gallagher 27)…
11: Considering Algorithm as an Audience
Gallagher argues that writers may often need to change their writing style and the language they want to use in order to cater to algorithms. Do you think writers necessarily need to sacrifice their use of language and the ideas they want to get across, potentially alienating real audience members, in order to cater to…
My Transmedia Pitch
For my transmedia project, I am going to focus on more educational nonfiction than fiction. I am currently interning with a non-profit organization called Deaf Open World (DOW). This organization works with deaf students in Swaziland. I would like to do some PR-type stuff for the organization, and make a variety of media to tell…
10: American Girl Dolls and Transmedia
When my sister and I were little, and we weren’t lapping up the kind of Disney Princess merchandise that Emily described, we loved the worlds created by American Girl (I provide the link here but it may be worth noting that I’m talking about the American Girl of about 2005, which was a different place…
9: My Remix!
Here’s the link! For my remix, I used photos and travel notes from my study abroad last year to create a travel writing essay broken up with points on a map. I used these texts because when I’ve tried to share study abroad stories, place has been important—I thought if I label the areas…
10: Transmedia: Hasbro’s Success and Failure
The My Little Pony franchise is one of Hasbro’s biggest moneymakers next to Transformers. Primarily a toy company, Hasbro started using TV shows to market its toys in the 80’s, with great results. The shows brought the toys to the attention of the children, who wanted to continue the adventures after the show ended. The…
10: Transmedia Storytelling – Disney
We all know Disney: it is perhaps the biggest and most successful children’s entertainment franchise in the world. Some of us love it, and others think its a monumental brainwashing tool for children and adults alike. However you feel about it, Disney’s use of multiple media has transformed the way people view Disney stories. Take…
10) Peg + Cat
One franchise that has recently (2013) started using transmedia techniques is PBS Kids. PBS Kids is one channel for children’s television programming, which has a high focus on education within their kids’ shows. One PBS Kids show in particular, Peg + Cat, is a math series aimed at preschool kids, and has lots of integrated…