I chose “Booktube,” or YouTubers who make videos and channels about books and the publishing industry, for this blog post because I think it is an interesting case of spreadability and participatory culture. Most Booktubers are regular people, usually in their late teens or early twenties, who love books and want to be part of…
8: Spreadability of Museums and Archives?
Today’s reading focused on the term “spreadability”. According to the authors, “spreadability” refers to any set of “technological resources” that make it easier for us to circulate content (Jenkins et al 4). From my understanding, this means that content with high spreadability would have the potential to reach more people, more easily. Another term that…
8: The Circulation, Delivery, and Spreadability of Journalism
Circulation, according to Henry Jenkins, Joshua Green, and Sam Ford in “Why Media Spreads,” refers to the idea that “top-down and bottom-up forces determine how material is shared across and among cultures in far more participatory (and messier) ways” (1). This concept is particularly important within the industry I want to work in someday—the newspaper…
7: My Remix Idea
The idea that I’m most interested in pursuing is creating a video where I combine clips from the movie trailers from the 50 Shades of Grey series and break up the clips with text that gives statistics, quotes, and, possibly, personal journal entries on domestic abuse. At the end of the video, I was thinking…
7: Remix Project Ideas
Here are the three ideas I came up with for my remix project–the first one is my favorite, but I guess that the other two are slightly workable. I’m really not very good at brainstorming. A video about snowflakes Choose Your Own Adventure Shakespeare Web-text of love poetry/toasts to women 1: A video about snowflakes…
6) Searchability Issues
I did my search on the concept of nature and darkness, and used google to search for Creative Commons images, videos, and audio tracks that fit with that idea. Photos were the easiest to find in quantity, though I had to search through them for quality. I noticed on the Creative Commons Search particularly that…
6: Creative Commons Pros and Cons
Creative Commons is an organization dedicated to allowing people to freely share their creative works with the public in order to be shared and built upon. In response to copyright, which says that “all rights [are] reserved” in a creative work, Creative Commons’ goal is to allow increased sharing through having only “some rights reserved”…
5: Pop Danthology, Remixing, and Copyright Culture
One of my favorite examples of remix for some time now has been the remixing of popular songs to create a mashup of the songs. Particularly, I have been watching YouTuber Daniel Kim’s “Pop Danthology” videos since the first one was created in 2010. Kim mixed between 50-90 pop songs that became popular in a…
4: Memes as a Digital Genre
I am writing my digital genre wiki on Internet memes. While sites like Wikipedia define Internet memes very broadly as images, hyperlinks, plain text, etc., I want to focus my discussion primarily to image/text-based memes, such as the one below, found on sites like iFunny. These memes, as well as memes more broadly, can be…
3: Defining Genre as a Social Construct
Genre is a method of communication that comes about as a result of a particular rhetorical situation located in a specific place in time and setting. This was not always genre’s definition, and it is still not the accepted definition within certain academic circles. In “Generalizing about Genre,” Amy Devitt explains the problems in the…