It’s the final frontier in that this is the last big project, then we are free from this horrifying digital publishing nightmare, and I can spend a summer curling up in my safe little world of print. No more hypertext for me! For the upcoming portfolios, I have to give some credit to Tomcics. I…
13: Portfolios
I have never created an e-portfolio before and I think Kathleen Blake Yancey’s article helped me start considering what one would look like and how I could go about creating one. I will include all three of my major projects in the portfolio (the digital genre profile, the remix project, and the transmedia project). I…
13. Digital Portfolio
For my portfolio I will most likely be including my dating simulator knowledge since I’m known for that. I will also like to included my music medley since I work pretty hard on that one and this last project has been a lot of fun. As for text to be included in my portfolio I’m…
13: Portfolios
For our final project, we will be creating an e-Portfolio of our work in this class. I am excited about putting this together and learning how to put all of my work in one place. However, this portfolio won’t just be a place to store work digitally. According to Kathleen Yancey, a portfolio has the…
13: Electronic Portfolios
I’m used to putting together portfolios in the context of creative writing classes, so I’ve found it interesting to think about how the process of compiling an electronic portfolio of work from this class might be similar to or different from what I’m used to. In thinking about how to put together a digital portfolio…